Rising from the Flames lyrics
by I Remember 2006
(Verse One)
Asriel sits in his room
As the rain downpours outside
There’s a pile on his floor
Of burn-scarred clothes
He’s typing out a letter
To send to someone
Saying, “Hey, I know this is all hard on you
I know what happened to you. We all do
We were there when it happened, too
I need you to be strong
I know that’s difficult to ask
You lost Franklin because of what Jasmine did
We’ve lost friends and lovers during that ordeal
But I will not stand idly, watching you tear yourself apart
I need you to be strong, Hudson
You know we’re here for you
Talk to us.”
(Verse Two)
Charred remains of a ship keep washing up on shore
Just to remind them more
Of the hell that went down
Vladimir stays close to town
Nikolai can’t go further than the lake
Chloe tries to keep it muddled in her head
So that her work life doesn’t suffer
While James huddled under a bridge
For he doesn’t have a home
Yet he doesn’t want to live somewhere else
(Verse Three)
Then Hudson keeps herself locked up in her house
Depression is swallowing her up whole
And Asriel is trying to keep her afloat
But her flames grow higher
And the downward spiral goes deeper
While he’s trying to pull her to the surface
Desperately trying to keep her stable
(Verse Four)
“You are my friend; I can’t let you sink
Seeing you self-destruct is making things worse
As a friend, I can’t let you fall apart
I need to find a way to get you steady again
You know we all care about you, Hudson
None of us hate you at all
We want to see you succeed.”
(Verse Five)
“Look, we’re all suffering from what went down
None of it is your fault, and none of it is ours
We need to be strong. We need to be resilient
We need to be there for each other
I will not abandon you in the wreckage of a ship
We were all cursed that day, I know, when we escaped
When we crashed into the shore, things in us changed forever
But, no matter what the flames bring, I will not let you tear yourself apart.”
“Rise from the flames in your own way
Hudson, we will always stand beside you.”