Madison’s Account of the Aftermath lyrics
by I Remember 2006
Chiselling the people out of the statues
Somehow, they were still alive
It was like a hive mind
That that thing, Diamond Terracotta
Must have held a hold of
They were all terrified and confused
And I can't blame any of them
Having a cocoon grow on you
And losing your mind to that thing
From outer space
Rainer stares at the neighborhood
More destruction all around
And we know he didn't cause it
But I still think he feels guilt
Yet this wasn't him
I have to give it to him
If he wasn't here, I would not be able to stop that thing
I owe him this
They owe him this
Yet I watch as he walks off into the distance
I can tell he doesn't get closure
And I don't know how to feel
Deep down there was a man
Who wanted to explore the world
But is now a pawn
Well, maybe I'm a pawn, too
And the neighborhood is so confused
They don't know what to make of this
And I can't blame anyone
As my sister stands next to me
I think about what happened over a year ago
Our house being burned down
By a man who lost his mind
And by a man who's trying to find
Any remnants left