You’ve got a lot of friends, I’ve just got people that I know
And you mean a lot to them, and my ones just come and go
And I don’t want to doubt every good thing that I’ve found
And so after this, I swear, there’ll be no more fallings out
[Verse 1]
I tore up a couple of shirts you bought me
To patch all the holes in my ageing clothing
To prove to you that I won’t be shy
To break something good to fix something of mine
We got high in a park on a High Street hill
And we ran six kilometres high on pills
And it felt so damn good in your passenger seat
That I never want to leave
But I can’t hold your hand
Through all the sh*t you put yourself through
You have to understand, that you’re a f*cking mess
But hey, so am I, and that’s fine
You’ve got a lot of friends, I’ve just got people that I know
And you mean a lot to them, and my ones just come and go
And I guess that it’s okay if I’m not the one to say
Although all things have to end, we are better not as friends
[Verse 2]
You said, "No one can be happy all the time
And no one can be miserable all the time
We’re all a hundred different people who could never be friends
All crammed into the one head"
But I’ll put bandaids on all of my scars myself
Instead of trying to get patched up by someone else
It’s like a birthday card made by a five-year-old child
It means more when you do it yourself
And though I might f*ck up
And cause more damage in my attempts to fix
My broken little frame and all the f*cked up things it contains
I’ll be okay
And you’ve got a lot of friends, I’ve just got people that I know
And you mean a lot to them, but my ones just come and go
And I used to wanna die, but now I know that if I
If I were ever to give in, I'd be letting you win
[Verse 3]
You said you’re sick of pretending to feel this way
You said you’re sick of pretending to feel okay
But babe, you’re no damn good at pretending at all
Nowhere near how you think you are, alright
But you’ll get a new job and you’ll get new friends too
And I will cut you out like I’m prone to do
And I’ll move on, I’ll move in with some people I find
On the internet and I'll begin again
And you’ve got a lot of friends, I’ve just got people that I know