[BEN] I'm what you want me to be I once had a job it got taken from me. This can't be. I have PTSD.
[JOSH] Newsies is now a memory I once had fans now they all forgot me. I'm lonely. I miss Angela Grovey.
[BOTH] If only Disney would cast us again all of the damn Newsies should be in Frozen. Unemployed, unemployed we are unemployed.
[JOSH]I can't dance anymore cause my knees are destroyed.
[BEN] And we all have got nodes from singing so high.
[BOTH] Unemployed. No job to enjoy. Unemployed.
[JOSH] At an audition for a new show, they ask me my name I say, Jojo.
[BEN] Get over it.
[JOSH] No one wants to see my switch split.
[BEN] Every time I'm at a deli I steal all of their spoons and start tapping my feet. It's not the same. What happened to our Instagram fame?
[BOTH] Messed up bodies, sore throats. We're all in the same boat. Except for David who left and booked Hamilton.(whispered) as*h*le. (sung) Unemployed, unemployed we are unemployed. We are all getting fat cause Newsies is no more. Let us flip, let us tap we need class ASAP. Unemployed, so unemployed. Unemployed.
[JOSH] Don't let this define you
[BEN] I try to forget but Fansies remind you.
[JOSH] You can try to hide but Newsies will always find you.
[BEN] Cause if you won't cast me I'll just do Newsies regionally for the rest of my life until I play Pulitzer and Bunsen Justin Hoff please cast us in another show
[BOTH] We are unemployed, unemployed we are unemployed. We need a new show for men who look like boys. Let us sing, let us dance please give us a chance. Unemployed, unemployed, unemployed.