I Got a Theory lyrics
by Richard Oberacker
I got a theory
When you are from Lake Erie
You're better than the average Joe
Though buried in snow
It's time to let the whole world know
I got a theory
It takes a place this dreary
To give a guy the right amount
Of drive to surmount
It's time to tell the world we count
[DONNY, spoken]
Are we onto something here?
[JULIA, spoken]
Yeah, keep writing. With this one, we might get more gigs than we need.
I got a theory
When you are from Lake Erie
You're better than the average Joe
Though buried in snow
It's time to let the whole world know[SHRINER, spoken]
The Al Koran Shriners welcome the Donny Nova Band![STUDIO SINGERS]
Bah doot dah
Bah doot dah
I'm gonna hear
My band at eight[DONNY]
I got a theory
It takes a place this dreary
To give a guy the right amount
Of drive to surmount
It's time to tell the world we count[ENSEMBLE MEN]
When John D,
That old Rockefeller
First set foot
On Cleveland soil
No one thought he was
Anything stellar[ENSEMBLE WOMEN]
Uh huh
On Cleveland soil
Then he struck it
With standardized oil
It gives us our aroma!
[OLIVER, spoken]
Ya getting ready for the big trip next month?
[DONNY, spoken]
Oh, NBC's sending us on the Cleveland Limited. Pull-man Cars.
[OLIVER, spoken]
Jeez, how 'bout that. That must be costing them a fortune.
[DONNY, spoken]
It's the least they could do.
[OLIVER, spoken]
That is good to hear. Say, I had a band cancel on me, so can I book you guys again for tomorrow night? I know it's last minute, and you'd be saving my butt, so how 'bout I toss in an extra fifty?
[DONNY, spoken]
[OLIVER, spoken]
You know, I'm really in a bind - make it an extra seventy-five.
[DONNY, spoken]
I suppose we could–
[OLIVER, spoken]
You drive a hard bargain, kid. Hundred extra, that's the best I can do. Help a guy out.
[DONNY, spoken]
Sure thing. We can do that for you, Oliver. Tomorrow night.
[OLIVER, spoken]
Swell. Break a leg tonight.
[DONNY, spoken]
Johnny, what's that bring the total to?
[JOHNNY, spoken]
Nine-hundred and thirty-six dollars and seventy-eight cents.
[WAYNE, spoken]
How do you do that?
[JOHNNY, spoken]
I have no idea.[JOHNNY]
When Bob Hope was
Only called "Lester"
A busker
In old Luna Park
Who'da guessed that
That poor little jester[WAYNE, NICK, & DAVY]
Ooo doot doot
doot doot
He started out as
In the movies would make such a mark?
[JEAN ANN, spoken]
Cleveland's crème de la crème taking New York by storm in just three weeks!
[OLIVER, spoken]
Jo? It's Oliver. Hey listen, I need your help with something. It's about the Donny Nova Band.
[JO, spoken]
Al? It's Jo. Oliver called. Now don't give me any of your crap, you're gonna help me out with the Donny Nova Band.
I got a theory
That people from Lake Erie
Have plenty more to brag about
There's talent no doubt
It's time to let the secret out
[DAVY, spoken]
You just sang a very good set, my dear. Hey, buddy? Whiskey.
[WAITER, spoken]
Coming right up, Mr. Zlatic.
[JULIA, spoken]
Ever thought of giving up the bottle?
[DAVY, spoken]
[JULIA, spoken]
Come on, just for a week. Hm, what do you say?
[DAVY, spoken]
Julia, I know there isn't enough whiskey in the world to wash away what I saw in those camps, I owe it to myself to try. "And let that suffice, most forcible Feeble."[AL, spoken]
Cleveland's finest!
Back at the Pavilion.
[JO, spoken]
From the Blue Wisp
to the big time!
[JEAN ANN, spoken]
Back by popular demand,
the Donny Nova Band!
[OLIVER, spoken]
Tonight at Oliver's,
you know who![ENSEMBLE]
Doo doot doo doo
Doo doot doo doo
Ooo wah doo wah
I wanna hear my
Favorite song
Bah bah bah
I wanna hear my band
I got a theory
We get a little weary
Of people dumping on this town
It's true that the
[DONNY, spoken]
Winters are endless
[JULIA, spoken]
The lake is polluted
[DONNY, spoken]
The ball team is losing
[JULIA, spoken]
The sewers exploded
[DONNY, spoken]
The mob is returning
[THE BAND, spoken]
The river's on fire again!
But nothing's gonna keep us down
They got their fancy accents
On the east side of Manhattan
But we ain't met a vowel we couldn't
Find a way to flatten
The Vanderbilts may summer
At the spa in Saratoga
But nothing beats the waters
Of the flaming Cuyahoga
I got a theory
If God above can hear
He is swingin' to these tunes of ours
Break out the cigars
'Cause Cleveland's got some
Brand new stars
[JOHNNY, spoken]
We love you, Cleveland!