We will now
Hear the testimony
Of the lawyer of one
You now have the floor
Now, what my client did
Um, that is, it might be
You know, a little over the top
But, it's totally forgivable
Um, you it's, it's totally fine
Who you like to
Review his crimes?
Why certainly
He seemed to be
Driving a stolen car, um
In an endangering way
He then got out of said
Stolen car and wrote
"Buy My Mixtape"
On the side of a building
In spray paint
Now, that's forgivable
The stolen car thing
Maybe not, but you
You can't send him to prison
He's got these people he needs
To look after
Hmm, oh I see
So, uh, LEE-JOE
I understand
You're a rapper of sorts
And is it true that rappers
Make music?
Yeah, dumbsh*t
I mean, you're honor
If you can prove to me
In one song
One emotional song
That you are truly sorry
About these crimes
I will not give you a
Life sentence
However, if you fail
You will get
Life in prison