Out of ma Mind lyrics
by 77.mp3
Ma man 77 yo pass that sh*t
Last year
Hella insane
Wasn't at all easy, I don't complain
A broken wolf dyin on wolfsbane
Gotta keep hustlin, endurin the game
Took a hard L in ma mega main core
Bounced back, n overcame hardcore
Reached a new low no doubt
All's Doubtin
Ma name ma fame ma game
Turnnin their back, what a shame
Look in the mirror, that man I blame
A low drug addict they say I became
Lost my mind in the sauce, they claim
Its crazy they say am crazy lame
So crazy! I don't know am crazy
Ain't that crazy, It's crazy! I disclaim
Crazy how one day all cheer ma name
Next am the hunchback of notre dame
None of that is true! MeGa's counterclaim
Mauf*ckas neva loved us still the same
Haters be hatin, always been the case
Ain't nothin new, mega cuts to the chase
Some I love threw like a dusty CD case
Last year
Hella insane
Wasn't at all easy, I don't complain
A broken wolf dyin on wolfsbane
Gotta keep hustlin, endurin the game
Took a hard L in ma mega main core
Bounced back, n overcame hardcore
Reached a new low, no doubt
Ama never forget your act
You're ma back up
Am a lanister in your debt
I know wassup
Once a jungle king
Now a battered cub
I clarify
A manic episode dat lead to ma blowup
Am Bipolar, ayy
Just wanted to clear that up
Been really quite, strugglin, hella lowkey
Been hated, hated on, yet you dnt know see
Don't know what I became, what mega be
Wonder from my actions, is that really me
All the leaves have fell from ma family tree
Where my peeps at?! how you most left me
Last year
Hella insane
Wasn't at all easy, I don't complain
A broken wolf dyin on wolfsbane
Gotta keep hustlin, endurin the game
Took a hard L in ma mega main core
Bounced back, n overcame HARDCORE
Dont feel pity
But feel me
Full of ups
And downs
Just let it be
It ain't about
How hard one hits see
It's about how hard
One gets hit
Life got me Down
Mega kneees
No quitter
Had closure
Ice bliss breeze
Ma flow clean
Am fresh geez
Floatin high am a butterfly
Stingin like bees
Mega's onto great things
Praise Allah
Blessin me wid bipolar disease
King pharaoh outchea Salam
3alekom PEACE
It's better to be gone n all remember you
Than present yet no one remembers YOU