Attack The Beat lyrics
by The Unthrowboxes
[Verse 1: Werewolf]
Attack the beat, attack the beat
I'll stomp my feet, I'll stomp my feet
I'm so sweaty and smelly in the heat
Defrosting, washing and cooking ya meat
Serving ya meat to myself to eat
If you want a seat, here, have a seat
Trick or treat, trick or treat
When you hear so loud, ya ears will bleed
Take heed, take heed
I can do whatever I need
Follow my lead, follow my lead
You'll choke if you eat the demon seed
The undead bloody zombies are gonna feed on it
The slaves must learn and read and read
Indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed
Good deeds, evil deeds
Chloroformed by the smell of rancid cheese
Please, be cool, be cool, please
Get down on ya knees, get down on ya knees
My enemies never defeats me
You'll disappear completely, nothing deletes me
He obeys me and then he disobeys me
Nobody disobeys me, nobody can rape me
I hope nobody tries to suffocate me
Unfortunately, anybody who hates me
My parents who will never blame me
Hopefully, nobody can aggravate me
I hope they defended me and saved me
Nobody demands me and nobody commands me
Nothing can prevent me and harass me
Nobody can violate me and disintegrate me
I hope they obeys me and they loves me
[Verse 2: Doorclosing]
Thunder storm electrocutes ya brain
Now it starts leaking when ya blood drains
People is burning alive when the lava rains
My slaves will be drowning in their veins
Do tell names, don't tell names
He'll stab you with a sword in the fatalist games
I don't like it when everybody blames
Don't get me tied up in the chains
Drink ya blood from ya dying remains
Next time we will be destroying the lames
It can't stop peeing when the pee hole pains
Their veins are throbbing like they've got migraines
Amazing grace, astral planes
Engulfed in flames, skeletal frames
He violates her when he rapes
Nobody loves, everybody hates
Accept ya fate before they disintegrate
Spinning knives, moving blades
Close the gates, and open the gates
Kill yourself when my music plays
Nothing, nothing but the boring days
She's got a big mouth so I don't care if she says
If you don't do it, will you know who pays?
Praise the god when everybody prays
The crying dames, the whiff of shames
Send her to the grave when her body decays
I'm so happy that she stays with me
In the dark old cave where ya body lays
Everybody obeys, nobody disobeys
I'll be killing you all stupid gays
They got dried up like the devil clays
You can get a gold sword if you raise
Exterminate the autistic human race
I can see ya face, you can't see my face
Put the bloody knife in the pencil case
I'm exhuming the murdered maids
When brotherhood of the wolf assassinates
Which one can you choose? One rate or two rates
I can't take it when someone aggravates me
The man who rapes ya, no one anticipates me
I don't smell no fears when they disintegrates
Eat the cake when it decorates
Torture chamber is a separate place