by Musso
Special correspondent "MK" transfers from Berlin
Alas, the chances are extremely high that the Russian men's team will stop fighting for medals at the 2019 World Handball Championship.
photo: Alexey Lebedev
“Was the fatigue affected after the match with Germany? Yes, everything was fine! - Zhitnikov was even offended, in my opinion, as if I suspected him of something bad. - About myself I can say for sure: I'm not tired at all.
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I could havе played the same amount, believe me ... "
Well, who else to believe if not Dima? One of the best, if not the best, in our team against Brazil. In which, alas, the Russian handball players lost. After that, unfortunately, we practically did not have a chance to continue the fight for medals of the 2019 World Championship (and even for tickets to the 2020 Olympic Games).
More specifically: after the defeat (23:25) from the guys from a country where there are many wild monkeys, we have only 4 points. Like the Brazilians. We are fighting with them for the 3rd place in the group, which gives us a ticket further to the second stage.
But on Thursday, January 17, they have to play with the outsiders, the Koreans, and here, with the world champions, the French.
Of course, purely theoretically, we can beat France. And even - to go further in this way with 3 points (those that are recruited with the teams that also passed to the next round are taken into account; and there was also a draw with Germany).
Surprising the entire progressive handball community.
But, frankly speaking, there is no more faith in this than in the fact that the day after tomorrow I will have a second cousin grandfather in the same South America, who bequeathed half of his millionth fortune ...
Then what's the matter if the forces are overwhelming? Still - in a lack of emotion? It seems that problems were not expected here.
And Daniil Shishkarev assured us that "the main thing is to have time to rest, but emotions will remain."
But at the same time, the captain of the Russian national team (and, ironically, the namesake of the President of the Russian Handball Federation!) Imagine what awaits the team in the battle with the Brazilians: "You will see - this will be the most difficult match for us."
... Roman Ostashchenko, who appeared on the court instead of the seemingly irreplaceable Timur Dibirov (he got a red card), got the ball on the 6-meter line. It would seem - score without resistance and drag Brazil into a nervous ending.
This trick has already passed, you remember, with Serbia and Germany. To which we also lost in the course of the matches - and even very large.
And here it didn't work out. Alas, the Chekhov Bears handball player missed.
But Eduard Koksharov, our head coach, asked the guy not to judge strictly: "We had to urgently raise him off the bench."
It is symbolic that it was at this moment that the numbers on the scoreboard lit up - 9011: that is how many spectators were recorded by the electronics at the Russia - Brazil game.
There was perhaps a zero that was superfluous: it was the 911 rescue service that had to be urgently called.
19-year-old Sergei-Mark Kosorotov tried to play her role - the opening of the match with the Germans.
But he, like Ostashchenko, did not score from six meters. And it wouldn’t have actually saved his goal, perhaps: there was no hope of winning even with “minus one” 1.5 minutes before the end of the game.
In fact, everything was decided a little earlier. At the moment when the leader of the national team was removed - Timur Dibirov. Either he hit the Brazilian goalkeeper in the face, or just pushed.
The repetition, like Dibirov himself, assures: there was no blow. But a simple impetus for the cinematic fall of Almeida was enough ...
- What kind of skirmish was there then? I just said that he should be ashamed, - Timur said after the game. - In front of their own children. Well, how to grab a face in such a situation? ..
But in general, you cannot dispute that we have lost, yes. And we don't need to look for excuses now, adults!
Koksharov Eduard Aleksandrovich, Olympic champion-2000 and once even the top scorer of the World Championship, did not look for:
- It's your own fault. We were preparing, but our implementation was of a very low level.
Tomorrow, after all, the guys will score in such moments - just give them such an opportunity. Luck, you say? - our coach reacts to the remark of one of the correspondents. - The lucky ones are lucky ... Dibirov's removal?
According to the player, the goalkeeper stepped on him first. But the judge did not see. Well, in general ... We had to play from the first minutes to the end. Then everything would work out.
... But it didn't work out. And now there is only hope for the Koreans: why don't they slam the door in the game with Brazil? Plus a miracle in your own performance - against the 2017 world champion France.
However, the players were once the same Frenchmen in the same championship capacity even on a foreign field - remember, at the Stade de France almost exactly 20 years ago?
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Hmm, for many years handball players looked down on the masters of the foot ball ...