Blogging and baseball lyrics
by Musso
Some people will find it hard to believe that to be considered a good major league baseball hitter all you have to do is get a hit about 30% of the time you’re at the plate.
A good baseball hitter will hit around .300 every year and, if they have a lifetime batting average over.
300 with enough qualifying at-bats, then they’re likely to go to the Hall of Fame.
People find this ironic becausе they obviously don’t understand the difficulty of hitting a 97-MPH fastball or an 87-MPH changе-up thrown in succession.
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They don’t understand. They don’t know the game.
The same goes for people who are just starting out blogging or don’t blog at all. They just don’t understand.
To create a successful blog you’ll probably have to fail at a few blogs. I really believe that.
Actually, to the truly gifted ones and the “naturals”…they won’t understand it either.
And let’s not forget the lucky ones! The guy or gal who created a very successful blog their first time around won’t understand the struggles that most go through with blogging.
Funny that the same, I don’t think, can be said of naturally great baseball hitters.
I mean, they might not understand how a person can’t hit a baseball with a bat, but I’m willing to bet they understand how hard it is to hit .300…
Am I losing anyone here?
Reason for this Blog Post
My partner and I have a pretty good thing going on over at Life After the Army.
The site is only about 6 months old but has reached a PR3 and pretty good traffic rankings in that time.
Curtez has done most of the heavy lifting with the site (actually, I kind of didn’t do anything for 3 months…my bad, C!) but I’m proud to be part of it.
Out of the many blogs that I have created, or been part of, Life After… is the most successful.
Maybe it was the niche. Maybe the timing. I don’t know. All I know is that I’m batting well below .300 as a blogger..more like .100! LOL!
Let’s keep this short, though:
My point is this. Don’t ever give up. When you find success, be thankful for it.
After you’re thankful for it then grab that son-of-a-b*tch by the neck and work the hell out of it. Make it better!
Okay, so I lost the baseball tie-in along the way but, hey, it helped with the post!
This is a quick post just to see if anyone else is doing this. If not, then there’s a quick “How to” in here as well!
This is fun stuff that I do every night to learn the art of blogging!
Usually, at the end of the REAL work day (US Army) I chase blogs.
After all the real work is done. (US Army, Active)
After writing blog posts.
After writing guest posts.
After chasing down work for my blog writing service.
After answering comments.
After supper, wine and playing with my pet parrot.
I lay in bed and chase blogs.
How to Chase Blogs!
Go to a popular blog in your niche
Read the comments. (You’re bound to find one that entices your interest.)
Click that commenter’s link and see if it takes you to a blog. (Most of the time it will).
Read a post by that blogger.
Read the comments.
Click a link of a comment you like.
BONUS TIP: Leave a comment and link back to your blog! It just may bring in some cool blog chaser traffic!
That’s “Blog Chasing” and it’s what the world wide web (that’s what “www” actually means for all you “Facebook Gen” kids…my kids included).
The internet is an intricate web that’s filled with so many smart people that have great ideas and opinions.
Unfortunately, but consistent with society, it’s also filled with some real big jackasses.
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