The advent of non stick gum lyrics
by Musso
The advent of non stick gum
Darn! Those punk kids from the middle school across the street from my old apartment will be SO BUMMED!
Their favorite past time was spitting their used (see: no longer sugar-packed) chewing gum all over the sidewalk in front of the school, the deli across from the school, and subsequently the front of my apartment.
Well, now they're going to have to TOTALLY DEAL with the fact that the world now has NON-STICK CHEWING GUM. Dude!
Scientists in England, those busy bees, have created and hope to unleash upon us all their latеst invention.
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According to this tid-bit article, the gum is not only non-stick but can be easily removed from clothing, shoes, and the like. Whew!
I remember when I nearly lost a favorite skirt to chewing gum. I don't even know how I managed to get the sticky pink nastiness on the skirt, but I remember sticking it in the freezer (and then forgetting about it for months, actually) in order to freeze the gum off.
This action, by the way, totally worked.
Sadly, rhe same cannot be said of the countless scores of gum that have attached themselves to my shoes over the years.
Some schools don't allow gum specifically to keep it out of toilets, off the undersides of chairs and tables and off the bottoms of shoes.
Chewing gum in one of my schools meant DETENTION.
Will this non-stick chewing gum save us all from such sticky situations? My guess is no.
At least it'll give our kids something else to chew on so they look like cows chewing cud.
Maybe the scientists could work on a cure for that next.
Today is constitution day
Did you know that today is Constitution Day? On September 17, 1787, the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention held their final meeting where they signed the Constitution of the United States of America.
In 2004, a federal law was enacted requiring all schools receiving federal funds to teach students about Constitution Day and the Constitution.
But, according to a study paid for by John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, over half of all high school students questioned say they have not heard of the day.
Eric Newton, vice president of the foundation's journalism program, is concerned that an entire generation of kids are growing up without a good understanding of the Constitution.
"We're concerned that teaching to the test and the emphasis on math and science is hurting the American civics education," Newton said.
Under the law, schools are allowed to determine the educational program they utilize to teach about the day, but they must teach it.
Is your child's school teaching students about the Constitution today?
Children and eating disorders
We all knew that girl in high school, the one who never ate anything. She was pencil thin, with paper thin hair and skin.
She was anorexic or bulimic, but no one ever talked about it. She withered away right in front of us and no one realized it was happening.
The girl I knew had really flakey skin as a result. It would essentially fall off in big flakes that floated through the air like dandelion fuzzies, only it wasn't idyllic.
She and her friends and her family could've come up with a million different excuses.
According to this article, an older one I only recently turned up, the inclination to have an eating disorder could show itself or be promoted at an early age.
One Kenyon College professor stated there is a possible connection between children who are "invested" in a certain body type when they are younger having eating disorders later on in life.
It's an easy enough thing to do. When I worked at a private school many years back I could see that even the young girls--eight, nine years old--were more than interested in fashion, models and being thin, thin, thin.
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The idea that one could never be too rich or too thin was already instilled in them. And they were in the second and third grade.