by Musso
Video marketing is becoming the bye word in the Internet world. I have heard from many people in the Web marketing industry, that you must have a video as part of your online marketing strategy.
I have had clients, that have had video presentations or introductions on their home page, and I felt they were good most of the time.
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My only thought was, how long would someone watch them before thеy would click on something else, or lеave the website entirely. It is still a thought that I ponder.
Videos Can Be Great Tools
As I did my work as a “SEO Expert”, I found myself looking at Utube, watching videos of Matt Cutts of Google, Aaron Wall of SeoBook and other respected members of the SEO community.
As much as I thought I knew about SEO, and online marketing, I found myself learning things I never knew before. I found the video presenters knowledgeable and very informative.
I even found myself taking notes on things I wanted to recall. In this situation, I think the videos are an excellent media tool.
Short Videos Better
Most of the presenters gave their own website, a proper acknowledgment, or a blurb was given noting the Web address. My only objection to the whole format was, that after three or four minutes, I found myself wandering from the presentation.
The conclusion that I came to is, that the short videos can be very beneficial to a website, especially if the person doing the video is knowledgeable and to the point.
If you need help putting a video together, or need other search engine optimization, design or marketing services, please give us a call.
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