I Better Go lyrics
by Duncan
Oh girl I guess I better go
I can save myself a lot of useless tears
I know I gotta get away from here
[Verse 1: Duncan]
I-waar uflopile and akukona kok'qala sweety
Bewubuya ngobumnyama ungshayashaya bengik'believer
Bengiphatheka kabi mawukhala, lothando belu-deep
Kodwa today mawukhala ang'sanandaba kimi uz'khiphile
Bungaqondile ung'breakile ngiyak'shiya sweety
I-waar ngizamile uk'bekezela kodwa ung'hlulile
Bengibona engathi maybe angikwaz' ukukwenza u-feele happy
Nga-decide ukuk'shiya ngoba ngathi bengiyi-stressi
Sonke sinamaphutha kodwa wena ngathi u-worse
Ukusuka eduze kwakho kuzongenza ke ngibe stress-free
Ngikhwel' itaxi, ngiyikhomb' ekhaya, uthando lu-empty
Kodwa njenge kgaqa ngipheth' udobo ngizoba freshi
Nginane-chance yokuthol' omunye omusha uMam
Plus nginane-plan ngizomenz' a-feele njenge angel
Usale kahle, ugade labafana bazok'dlala
I mean usale kahle, ngiyazi labafana uzobadlala
Oh girl I guess I better go
I can save myself a lot of useless tears
I know I gotta get away from here
Oh girl I guess I better go
I can save myself a lot of useless tears
I know I gotta get away from here
[Verse 2: Duncan]
Hope uzong'khumbula sengik'hlangabeza inetha imvula
Nakhu okumele ukwazi ngeke uphinde ulithole elinjena i-kruga
Noma ukhala uyazi, umina obefika njalo ak'duduza
Ngiyak'shiya namhlanje maybe iy'thombe zami zizok'khumbuza
Beseng'bekezele, noma k'sinda ngagcina ngidedela
Bath' indoda ayikhali kodwa kumina beziy'qathakela
Especially mang'donsa wonke ama-calls ami uwa-rejecta
Mangik'buza why, ungitshel' ukuth' i-network iyabheda
Ngiyaz' abangani, benijutana nihlohlana blind
I-trans anginayo kodwa mawung'funa beng'fika fast
Bengik'nika okusenhlizweni bengingak'thengi ngemali
Bengifuna sakh’ umndeni kodwa iphupho lashabalala
Noma maw'ngkhumbula, bengi-faker ukugula ngithol i-sick leave
Kodwa namhlanje usukhohliwe, usuyangi-cheathela angithi?
It's fine ngiyavaya but ng'ringe i-waar : ngisak'thanda
Kodwa ngeke ngikwaz' ukuloke ngihleli ngibhekile ung'dlala
Oh girl I guess I better go
I can save myself a lot of useless tears
I know I gotta get away from here
Oh girl I guess I better go
I can save myself a lot of useless tears
I know I gotta get away from here
[Verse 3: Duncan]
Oh girl I guess I better go
I can save myself a lot of useless tears
I know I gotta get away from here
Oh girl I guess I better go
I can save myself a lot of useless tears
I know I gotta get away from here