This is the page about everything Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS. This page will host updates on the game, such as release dates, delays, new character developments and much more.
Release Date(s):
Mid-match character changes will no longer exist. Gliding and random tripping has been removed. Short movies for introducing new characters will be viewable without having to be unlocked. The size differences between bigger and smaller characters will be more drastic. KOs trails have a new design. You will be able to customize characters in a few ways. Final Smashes are a returning element and a few of the characters have new ones. A lot of movesets have been changed. There will be no story mode like the infamous Subspace Emissary.
The art styles for each console differ from one another. On the 3DS version of the game, it uses a flatter shading and optional black outlines to make characters easier to see at a distance. This version will be running at 60 frames per second. The Wii U version focuses on a higher quality picture. It unitizes the High definition output of the Wii U and shows extremely vivid colors. It is also known that several stages will be version-specific. The Wii U version's stages being based on console games, while the 3DS version's stages being based on handheld games. There will be no cross-platform gameplay.