Flavor Text - Pistols & Shotguns lyrics


Game Genius Archives

PistolsDahlminator - Dodge this.Devastator - Hail.Fibber - Would I lie to you?Flynt's Tinderbox - Good for starting fires.Greed - ThiefGrog Nozzle - Hand over the keys, Sugar...Gub - Abt NaturalGunerang - Give it a burl.Gwen's Head - Thinking outside the box.Hornet - Fear the swarm!Infection - Itchy. Tasty.Infinity - It's closer than you think! (no it isn't)Judge - I am free now.Lady Fist - Love is a Lady Finger. True Love is a Lady Fist.Law - De DaLittle Evie - Shock and awwwww! So cute!Logan's Gun - Gun, Gunner!Maggie - Monty's wife don't take no guff.Pocket Rocket - Did you ever have the feeling...Rex - Basically, it's a big gun.Rubi - Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I've never tried.Stalker - You can run, but you can't hide.Stinger - It's like butter, baby.Teapot - Havin' a tea Partay drinkin' mah Teeea!Thunderball Fists - I can have such a thing?Unforgiven - It's a helluva thing...Unkempt Harold - Did I fire six shots, or only five? Three? Seven. Whatever.Veritas - Shoulda stopped at one.Wanderlust - You never know until you go.ShotgunsBlockhead - Also try Minecraft!Butcher - Fresh Meat!Carnage - huh. It shoots rockets.Conference Call - Let's just ping everyone all at once.Deliverance - Kiki got a shotgunDog - Because one barrel ain't enough, and two is too few.Flakker - Flak The WorldHeart Breaker - I don't want to set the world on fire...Hydra - 5 heads of Death!Interfacer - Because it enters your face. Get it? IT ENTERS YOUR FACE!Jolly Roger - A Pirate's Life for me!Landscaper - Get off my lawn!Octo - Octo means 9.Omen - I'm gonna need you to stand back.Retcher - EwwwRokSalt - Don't retreat. Instead, reload!Shotgun 1340 - I like being a gun.Sledge's Shotgun - The Legend LivesSlow Hand - Take your time, Sugar...Striker - Fandir? Thirteen.SWORDSPLOSION!!! - Because Mister Torgue Said So.Teeth of Terramorphous - His teeth made them flee in shame...Tidal Wave - Flee the Wave, Dude!Triquetra - Good things kill in threes.Twister - Putting trouble on the run.
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