Defence Ministry (transcript) lyrics


Game Genius Archives

Defence MinistryNews montage

[August 4, 2004]

MORRIS ODELL: ...mark a steady rise in Georgia's economy. Once central to the former soviet union’s development and manufacturer of weapons, Georgia has recently resurfaced as a potential player in the world military industry. With active contracts in Russia, Turkey, Germany, and even..


...has stated the need, especially in these times, for a reliable source of oil in the Middle East. Commerce Secretary Moore, on a visit to Azerbaijan this morning, noted the tiny nation's enormous potential for oil. Calling on American investors to provide the necessary funds for tapping the reserves..

POLITICAL ANALYST: ...In many ways a leader from a bygone era, his beliefs are very firmly founded in Georgian Orthodoxy, his political standings more in line with the early twentieth century.

INTERVIEWER: Would you fault him then as a politician?

ANALYST: No, no. Not at all. Kombayn Nikolazde is all politician. He's done wonders for the Georgian economy. A brilliant tactician. It’s more a question of ethics.

INTERVIEWER: And ethically speaking?

ANALYST: Well...


In game, part one

Sam is on the roof of the Georgian Defence Ministry.
LAMBERT: *on radio* Echelon got a positive ID on your target from the morgue security cameras, a guy named Vyacheslav Grinko.

FISHER: How do I find him?

LAMBERT: By his license plate.

FISHER: And if he's not with his car?

LAMBERT: Then his driver will be. Grab him and make him talk, don't be afraid to use force.

FISHER: Who, me?

Sam rappels down to a window and goes through.

LAMBERT: Grimsdottir just pulled up the schematics on the ministry. They've got a laser security grid online in the courtyard.

FISHER: So I stay out of the courtyard.

LAMBERT: Don't let them trigger any alarms at all. We still don't have any official approval from the Joint Chiefs for this operation, so one slip-up and it's mission over.

Sam shoots the camera out and knocks out the guard waiting there. He sneaks into a corridor and goes down a stairwell to the car park, where he finds Grinko's driver, Hamlet. The player grabs him and interrogates him.

HAMLET: What the hell?

FISHER: I’m going to ask you some questions. When I think you’re lying, I'll do this.
Hamlet squeals, indicating that Sam is squeezing him.

FISHER: Who do you work for?

HAMLET: Vyacheslav Grinko.

FISHER: Tell me about him.

HAMLET: He used to be Spetsnaz, now he is mercenary. He works for President Nikoladze.

FISHER: Where do I find Grinko?

HAMLET: He is meeting Masse, in the elevator, by the courtyard.

FISHER: Who’s Masse?

HAMLET: Philip Masse. Some computer guy. He has access to Nikoladze's office.

FISHER: What's this meeting about?

HAMLET: I don't know, I swear. It’s gotta be something bad if Nikoladze is willing to see Grinko face to face.

FISHER: I need you to understand that we never talked.

HAMLET: I understand.

Sam interrogates Hamlet further.

FISHER: Convince me we never talked.

HAMLET: If anybody finds out, Grinko will murder me.

FISHER: And you're frightened of Grinko.

HAMLET: God, yes.

The player chooses to interrogate him again.

HAMLET: Please, don't hurt me, I'm just a driver.


HAMLET: I swear, I've already forgotten you.

Sam knocks Hamlet on the head with his pistol.

LAMBERT: I want to hear what Grinko and Masse talk about in that elevator.

FISHER: I'll need to deactivate the courtyard laser grid to get into position.

LAMBERT: Then do it.

or, if Sam kills Hamlet.

LAMBERT: Damn it, Fisher! What was that?

SAM: He was one of the bad guys.

LAMBERT: It's sloppy work. Don't do that anymore.

Sam makes his way back up the stairwell and goes through the corridor to a room, in which the ceiling vent is hanging down. The player climbs through.

Part two

Sam makes his way into the kitchen, where two chefs* are preparing a meal. A security guard comes in.

SECURITY: I thought the kitchen was closed.

CHEF: It's a special order for Colonel Kobiashvili.

SECURITY: Ah, excellent. *chuckles* May I?

CHEF: Please.

SECURITY: spitting into the pot Thanks.

CHEF: Thank you.

As Sam makes it to the next room, two soldiers are heard talking on the radio.

SOLDIER 1: I need a Colonel down here, we're trying to get through a retinal scanner.

SOLDIER 2: (radio) I pass Colonel Kobiashvili on my patrol. Want me to send him down?

SOLDIER 1: God no, I hate that guy. We'll find somebody else with the rank.

Sam goes down the stars to an open room, where Sam is overlooking the main lobby. On the desk is the computer which controls the laser grid. Sam deals with the two patrolling guards and deactivates the grid.

LAMBERT: You've got an incoming Colonel, Fisher. Make the most of him. You'll need him conscious and cooperative if you want to unlock the retinal scanner sealing the door to the courtyard.

FISHER: That's detailed intelligence.

LAMBERT: Knowing everything is my job.

Fisher grabs the colonel and forces him to use the retinal scanner. He moves through to the courtyard where Grinko and Masse are seen entering a glass elevator.

ANNA GRIMSDOTTIR: The glass elevator's in motion.

LAMBERT: Make with the laser mic, Fisher. It's mission critical that we hear what Grinko and Masse say before they reach the top.

Sam uses the laser mic to eavesdrop an Masse and Grinko's conversation from a distance.

MASSE: Savages. What did you rip it out with, pliers?

GRINKO: We had some difficulty with Blaustein's chip. You can see fibres of muscle tissue still attached.

MASSE: Nasty... Naasty.

GRINKO: You are in the wrong line of work to avoid getting gore on your hands.

MASSE: Whatever Nikoladze does in Azerbaijan is his own conscience's burden.

GRINKO: You are just a tool?

MASSE: You're the tool! I'm the technology. I'm the clean-up man. All the blood's on yours and Nikoladze's hands. I'm clean.

GRINKO: And... It is?

MASSE: It's what?

GRINKO: Clean.

MASSE: Azerbaijan? Yeah, man. This operation's goddamn immaculate. Except for the files Nikoladze insists on keeping on his own machine. You need to talk to that-

The recording cuts out as Masse and Grinko reach the top and exit the elevator.

LAMBERT: Sounds like we found the subdermals.

FISHER: I get nervous when the bad guys start making blood jokes.

LAMBERT: That conversation's going straight to the Joint Chiefs, but we're gonna need more.

FISHER: Nikoladze's computer?

LAMBERT: You guessed it. Get inside his office and access that machine. Alarms aren't mission critical anymore; we're moving into Fifth Freedom territory.

Sam climbs up to a window and enters.

Part three

Sam goes up to the top floor by elevator. After sneaking up to the roof, he rappels down to the window to Nikoladze's office. He smashes the window and kills/knocks out the guard at the desk before accessing Nikoladze's computer.

LAMBERT: Christ almighty!

FISHER: What do you have?

LAMBERT: Bad things. Keep transmitting, we need to see how far this goes.

FISHER: What's going on?

LAMBERT: Corpses, refugee camps. They've had commandos at work in Azerbaijan for weeks. How the hell did we miss this? Keep transmitting.

While he is transmitting, Sam intercepts some chatter on his radio.

GRINKO: Alert! All men to full alert! We have an intruder in Nikoladze's office! Wake up, you bast*rds! I want troops in there now!

[Version One]
SOLDIER 3: Grinko, Sir! I've got three men about to breach Nikoladze's office!

[Version Two]
SOLDIER 3: We are sending reinforcements now!

Some soldiers enter the office, whom Sam either kills or hides from to remain undetected.

LAMBERT: Fisher, we need the rest of the files from Nikoladze's computer. This stuff is going straight to the President. We might be headed for military action, and we're gonna need airtight proof.

Sam interacts with the computer again.

LAMBERT: That's the end of it. Thank God.

FISHER: What exactly is going on?

LAMBERT: You wouldn't believe the numbers. Nikoladze has been systematically murdering his way through Azerbaijan.

FISHER: And we didn't know about it?

LAMBERT: Nobody did.

FISHER: What does he want?

LAMBERT: You can watch the news later. Rendezvous with Jr. Wilkes for extraction.

Sam leaves and goes to the rear stairwell and intercepts more radio chatter.

SOLDIER 3: Nikoladze's office is clear! We're heading for the rear gangway!

Sam makes it to another part of roof.

SOLDIER 4: Where are you?

Sam descends to the car park and intercepts more radio conversation.

GRINKO: I want an update. Why hasn't the intruder been caught yet? Do we have men on the rear stairwell?

SOLDIER 3: About to breach the stairwell, Sir.

Sam moves through the car park and hears gunshots, which turn out to be Vernon Wilkes Jr gunning down an enemy.

WILKES: What the hell did you in find there, man? Lambert's flipping out big time!

FISHER: What's he saying?

WILKES: That we're going to war!

Mission Complete
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