Oil Refinery (transcript) lyrics
by Game Genius Archives
Oil RefineryNews
[October 17th, 2004]
MORRIS ODELL: Georgian special forces have taken hold of villages scattered throughout Azerbaijan. Incredibly, Kombayn Nikoladze appears to have been able to move thousands of troops across the border over a course of weeks. Completely hidden from both local and international authorities, through a hi-tech...
ODELL: ...number of Azerbaijani casualties are unknown. But early estimates number in the high...
PRESIDENT BOWERS: The freedom-loving people of the world cannot stand idly by and allow an act of such staggering inhumanity in scale.
[October 23rd, 2004]
ODELL: In their third day of fighting, US-led NATO troops took three more Azerbaijani villages occupied by Georgian special forces. US troops met only light resistance and suffered minimal casualties. The Georgian commando cells are becoming increasingly harder to locate, as military intelligence suffers repeated...
[October 24th, 2004]
ODELL: Kombayn Nikoladze has vanished. Along with his top military advisories. Speculation points to Nikoladze's fear of a war crimes tribunal as motivation...
[October 26th, 2004]
ODELL: ...a two-minute webcast from locations unknown, Georgian president Kombayn Nikoladze called America and it’s allies "an army of scarecrows", declaring them helpless to defend themselves or their homeland. The precise nature of Nikoladze's threat, experts fear, could make itself known within...
End news
In game, part one
Fisher is at an outpost of the oil refinery complex, some distance down the main pipeline to the rig.
LAMBERT: Fisher, we've uploaded your mission objectives. Grimsdottir says the rig’s encryption protocols are bulletproof, so we're going to have to let one of Nikoladze's geeks long on before we get a chance at any intelligence.
FISHER: Why would they be holding onto this rig? It's not Nikoladze's smartest play.
LAMBERT: That's what got out attention. Nikoladze is sacrificing several cells to hold onto it, so whatever's coming over the network must be critical. Mission objectives on your OpSat.
Sam climbs up to the top of the structure as he intercepts radio communication from people on the rig.
GSOLD: Visual on hostile forces! We're blowing the bridge immediately! Repeat, blowing up the bridge.
Sam zips down a zipline. As he reaches the bottom, an explosion occurs, causing tremendous damage to the pipeline.
LAMBERT: Bad news, Fisher. Something got the military’s attention.
FISHER: Oh boy.
LAMBERT: The oil rig just got bumped into the single digits on NATO’s strike list. Find yourself a technician and get that data. Time just got scarce.
Sam enters the broken pipe. As he is walking through the dark stream of oil, he intercepts more radio activity.
GSOLD: Everybody look lively. Our computer technician is returning with the encryption key. I need two men to meet him at the docking station, and escort him to the data hub. Let's get this finished quickly, we’re a sitting duck out here!
Part two
Sam is now in the main rig. Outside, Piotr Lejava, a computer technician, arrives on a boat and is escorted by two mercenaries. Sam climbs up a ladder and follows him. He sneaks past a number of guards as he navigates his way to the next area.
SOLDIER: *radio* Relay alert from Philip Masse! We have incoming American warplanes!
Sam continues to pursue Piotr without being spotted. An explosion occurs.
PIOTR: Suffering Christ! What the hell was that?
[Version 2]
SOLDIER 1: We're being attacked! We have to get out of-!
SOLDIER 2: We're going to the data hub. Double time!
[Both versions]
Part three
Sam is now in the thick of the action, where fire burns and NATO fighters close in on the rig.
LAMBERT: That's our friends from the Air Force. Ground troops are imminent. We’ll keep you updated.
SOLDIER 3: *radio* We're under attack! We've sustained heavy damage to...
There is more destruction and chaos.
SOLDIER 3: American fighter planes! They're coming in again. Reports of incoming troop transport.
Sam continues to pursue the escort.
SOLDIER 4: You OK? You look gunk... You are hanging in there?
If Sam activates the water pump:
SOLDIER 5: See? It's still spraying.
SOLDIER 4: I swear, I turned it off.
SOLDIER 5: Sure you did.
SOLDIER 4: I did!
Sam pushes through and overhears a conversation between Piotr and his escort.
PIOTR: It won't open.
SOLDIER 1: Unlock it you nerd.
PIOTR: I did. I think it's broken.
SOLDIER 2: What's the hold up?
PIOTR: It's this damn rig. Everything's....
SOLDIER 2: Never mind, we'll go around.
As Sam continues his pursuit, he is interrupted by Lambert.
LAMBERT: Change of plans Fisher. You're going after that technician, Piotr. We want the briefcase that's chained to his wrist.
FISHER: He downloaded the data to that?
LAMBERT: To the laptop inside it. Use whatever force necessary.
Sam reaches the data hub when a window shatters above. He climbs onto a pipeline through the broken windows. Piotr, having already finished downloading the data, runs away, whilst one of the escort troops stays behind to shoot up all the computer evidence. As Sam tries to leave the hub via a staircase, the rest of Nikolazde's men attempt to escape with the technician on a helicopter, but it gets blown up by a missile. The soldiers panic, and Piotr runs away.
SOLDIER 6: Oh my God! Down! Down! Cover!
Sam chases Piotr.
[Version One]
Sam chases Piotr to a sinking boat, where the technician sits helplessly.
[Version Two]
LAMBERT: Get moving, Fisher. Echelon just picked up some AWACS traffic. You've got some incoming B-2's and I promise you: you don't want to be there when they arrive
A countdown begins
Sam catches up with Piotr and either shoots him or grabs and interrogates him.
FISHER: What makes this worth the risk?
PIOTR: Who the hell are you? *Strained grunt*
FISHER: Don't ask any more questions. Answers only and fast.
PIOTR: I understand.
FISHER: Why risk manually extracting data from a battle-zone?
PIOTR: It was the only way. We created it with a non-transferable *incomprehensible* key.
FISHER: What's the data?
PIOTR: I'm just a messenger, I don't know. Something about an Ark.
FISHER: What's that?
PIOTR: I don't know. What Nikoladze wants most.
If Sam interrogates him again:
FISHER: What were you going to take the briefcase?
PIOTR: I don't know. I wasn't going to find out until I was on board the escape ship. Masse is a complete control freak.
FISHER: Masse?
PIOTR: Please! I don't want to... *squirming grunt* ... Philip Masse. Nikoladze's lead programmer.
If Sam interrogates him again:
PIOTR: I swear, that's all I know.
If Sam interrogates him again.
PIOTR: You might as well kill me, otherwise Nikolazde's men will.
Sam knocks out Piotr and takes the briefcase.
LAMBERT: Great job, Fisher. Time to make yourself scarce.
Mission Complete