Kalinatek (transcript) lyrics
by Game Genius Archives
[October 31st, 2004]
ODELL: Appeared on the internet at 3:00 this morning.
NIKOLADZE: *on a webcast* ...my declaration of war against the United States of America and it's allies. Until every last foreign soldier has left Georgia, this war will continue on American soil and around the world, claiming the lives of the aggressors. The scales of power have been newly balanced. And we will no longer accept the tyranny of the Unites States.
ODELL: ...blamed the US media for their part in spreading Kombayn Nikoladze's message.
ODELL: ...ironic counterpoint to the situation at home, US soldiers in Georgia and Azerbaijan have spent their fifth night without combat. Though tensions remain high, military intelligence has been unable to locate any remaining Georgian commando.
ODELL: ...have dramatically increased their efforts to find Kombayn Nikoladze. US Intelligence is combing a constantly expanding search radius extending from Georgia. Each new country, another possible secret alliance with the...
GENERAL: ...'cause what we have here is a situation where further airstrikes just won't do any good. Nikoladze's army, if that's what you want to call it, is a bunch of...
ODELL: As mourning relatives prepare funeral services, America's law enforcement and military forces prepare for the unknown, waiting for Kombayn Nikoladze's next move.
In game, part one
Sam is in a multi-storey car-park, standing by a fence, on the other side of which is Wilkes.
LAMBERT: Fisher, your mission is a man named Ivan. When Grimsdottir got made in Kalinatek's server, Nikoladze's mercenaries got spooked. They're pulling up stakes, wiping out all evidence of their presence. Including Ivan and his comrades.
FISHER: Who's Ivan?
LAMBERT: One of Nikoladze's geeks. A programmer.
FISHER: They're killing their own men?
LAMBERT: It's all evidence. Let's pray you find him first. Details on your OpSat.
If Sam speaks with Wilkes (NOTE: this is not optional in Version Two, in which the conversation begins automatically at the start of the mission):
WILKES: This is as close as we get. As you sure you're cool with the details? This last minute stuff bugs me out.
FISHER: I'll figure it out.
WILKES: Well, be careful.
FISHER: I've already got a mother, Wilkes.
Sam goes through the parking lot, taking out/bypassing two men in the process. He makes his way upstairs to the next level.
[Version One]
Sam encounters three more mercenaries.
MERCENARY 1: You have blood on your shoe.
MERC 1: This is terrible work.
MERC 2: The order came down directly down from Grinko.
MERC 1: Yes. If I didn't fear him like the reaper, I'd be long gone.
MERC 2: He told me to think of them as sheep. He says we are "thinning the flock".
MERC 1: Hmph!
[Version 2]
As Sam ascends the stairs, the lights go out. As Sam enters the next level, the three mercenaries immediately spot him and the player has to kill or knock them out. The lights flicker between on and off throughout this sequence.
MERC 1: The power is down in the parking lot!
[Both versions]
Sam finishes off the mercenaries and makes his way upstairs. At the top is an open window, where there is a zipline leading to the platform of a crane.
Part two
As Sam is travelling along the wire, he intercepts some radio chatter.
MAFIOSO 1: West wing of fifth floor is clear, moving on to sixth.
MAFIOSO 2: How many encryption keys did you retrieve?
MAFIOSO 1: This is our seventh.
Sam lands on the platform and jumps to the roof of the adjacent Kalinatek building. He drops down to an lower level where, through a window, two mercenaries are seen killing a technician.
MERC 3: Are you sure he's dead?
MERC 4: Come on, you can see his brain! Of course he's dead!
MERC 3: What about his encryption thing?
MERC 4: The key?
MERC 3: Yes, the encryption key.
MERC 4: I got it! It's destroyed. Let's move on.
[Version Two]
LAMBERT: Fisher, those encryption keys are top priority. Use whatever means necessary, but get to Ivan before Nikoladze's assassins do.
[Both versions]
Sam shatters the ceiling he's standing on and makes his way through to the lobby. He moves through to the next room. On the way, he intercepts more radio conversation.
MAFIOSO 1: East wing of fourth clear. Three encryption keys retrieved.
MAFIOSO 2: And the Ark files?
MAFIOSO 1: Destroyed, every one of them.
MAFIOSO 2: Thank god. Make sure you leave the bodies where the fire will get them.
MAFIOSO 1: Of course!
While Sam is moving, the camera cuts to the next corridor, where two mercenaries have killed another technician and planted a wall mine.
MERC 5: Last week it was those turrets, this week it's wall mines.
MERC 6: So? I use the tools they give me!
MERC 5: You obsess over them!
MERC 6: You have to admit, these are cool!
MERC 5: Yes, but if we plant too many, it's dangerous!
MERC 6: They're supposed to be dangerous. They're mines, for god's sake!
Sam goes through this corridor, being careful not to get killed by the wall mine. He makes his way into a broken lift shaft.
Part three
Sam appears in a new room, where, ahead of him, a guard is operating a vending machine.
LAMBERT: We just sussed a little more out of Ivan.
GRIMSDOTTIR: There's a group of mercenary programmers alive on the third floor.
LAMBERT: They're trapped behind a cluster of wall mines.
FISHER: You think they might have encryption keys?
LAMBERT: It's worth checking.
Sam goes past a room as it is being shot up by mercenaries. He then goes through a hallway to another door. Past the door is a burning room, where two programmers are squatting between some wall mines.
PROGRAMMER 1: Please help us. They're motion-sensitive. Nobody move.
Sam disarms the first mine.
PROGRAMMER 2: Please! Disarm the bomb!
Sam disarms the second mine.
FISHER: I need an encryption key.
PROGRAMMER 2: We don't have any.
FISHER: Why should I believe you?
PROGRAMMER 2: There is a bomb.
FISHER: What?!
PROGRAMMER 2: The Spetsnaz planted it to destroy the data archives. But they put it right next to the gas pipes. It will take out this whole floor!
FISHER: How do I get there?
PROGRAMMER 2: You will need the keypad code for the door. I think it's 33575.
If Sam talks to the programmer again.
PROGRAMMER 2: Can we come with you?
If Sam talks to him again:
FISHER: How do I know you don't have an encryption key?
PROGRAMMER 2: I am a dead man. I have no reason to lie!
If Sam talks to him again:
PROGRAMMER 2: We do not have much time left!
If the programmers die:
LAMBERT: You weren’t supposed to let them die, Fisher! The mission’s over!
Mission failed
Sam goes to the next room. A countdown starts.
LAMBERT: Grim checked the building specs. That geek's story about gas pipes holds up.
FISHER: I'm on my way.
LAMBERT: Make it fast; you don't have a lot of time.
Same uses the code the programmer gave to him to unlock the next door. He makes his way to the archive room.
If the player doesn't make it in time.
LAMBERT: Fisher, you're out of time! You've gotta...
The bomb explodes and the mission is over.
Mission failed
If Sam makes it in time and disarms the bomb.
LAMBERT: Great work, Fisher. That could've been bad.
GRIMSDOTTIR: But we've got a new twist for you. I hacked into the power grid. Somebody's thrown the breaker on the fire door circuit.
LAMBERT: Meaning you won't be able to open the door until you've found that breaker. Details on your OpSat.
Sam passes through an auditorium and makes his way to a room beneath the stage. He hears the mafiosos talking on the radio.
MAFIOSO A: I just spotted somebody in the auditorium! Maybe our intruder. I need backup now!
Sam either kills/knocks out or eludes the mercs. If he passes by without being spotted.
MAFIOSO A: Anybody see anything?
MAFIOSO B: Nothing.
MAFIOSO A: Stepan?
MAFIOSO A: There's nothing out here. Auditorium clear. We're returning to our post.
Sam hits the switch and heads back upstairs. He opens the door to the next section.
Part four
Sam is in a lobby area facing a fountain. He heads upstairs to a corridor. At the end of the corridor is a medical room, where he finds a programmer.
[Version One]
The programmer is lying on the floor, wounded.
FISHER: Can you talk?
PROGRAMMER 3: I don't want to die here.
FISHER : Are you Ivan?
PROGRAMMER 3: Who? No. It hurts. Please, take me to the infirmary.
He grunts and passes out. If Sam picks him up and lies him down on the bed, he is revived.
PROGRAMMER 3: Thank you. Who are you?
[Version Two]
The programmer is lying on the bed.
FISHER: Can you talk?
PROGRAMMER 3: I don't want to die here.
FISHER: Are you Ivan?
[Both Versions]
FISHER: Do you have an encryption key?
PROGRAMMER 3: They took it. Destroyed it. They've gone mad. I don't know—
FISHER: I need to find a man named Ivan. He's locked himself behind the building's fire doors.
PROGRAMMER 3: Then, he must be on the fifth floor.
FISHER: That helps. Thanks.
PROGRAMMER 3: So tired...
The programmer dies. Sam heads out to a computer room where he overhears a guard talking.
MERC 7: Bolot, do you read me? Bolot, I think I found something useful. A computer with a window that says "fire emergency system". Bolot? Are you there?! Bah, useless.
Sam uses said computer to open the fire doors.
LAMBERT: Good work, Fisher. Opening those fire doors cleared your path to Ivan, but it did the same thing for the Russians. You better make damn sure you get to him first.
Sam goes through the door and goes up the stairs.
LAMBERT: Update on your situation. To cover our asses politically we clued in the FBI, and we're gonna have to leave Ivan for them.
FISHER: So what am I doing here?
LAMBERT: Ivan's a technicality. All we need to trace Nikoladze is his encryption key. Get that and we're golden.
Sam enters a cafeteria, where there are two mercs.
MERC 8: We already checked this hallway.
MERC 9: We might have missed something. Go check it again.
MERC 8: How could we have missed somebody?
MERC 9: Listen, this order came down directly from Vyacheslav Grinko. If just one of these geeks gets out of here alive, he'll skin us all!
MERC 8: Yeah, well...
MERC 9: Well what?
MERC 8: Nothing... Hold on a second. I need to visit the little boy's room.
MERC 9: Make it fast.
Merc 8 goes into the toilet and finds Ivan (NOTE: if Sam kills Merc 8, a new merc will appear, Merc 10. The dialogue remains the same).
MERC 10: Who are you talking to?! Who's on that phone?!
IVAN: Please! Don't!
MERC 10: Tell me who!
IVAN: Here. *hands him the phone*
MERC 10: I don't want the damn phone. I want you to tell me who you're talking to!
IVAN: I don't know, I thought it was the cops.
MERC 10: Who are you talking to?!
IVAN: I don't know.
MERC 10: You have five seconds to give me name, you worthless slog!
IVAN: Please!
MERC 10: Five, four...
IVAN: I swear. I don't know!
MERC 10: ...three, two...
IVAN: Oh god, oh god, oh god!!
If Sam doesn't stop him.
MERC 10: ...one! *Opens fire*
If Sam deals with the merc and goes to talk to Ivan.
FISHER: Are you Ivan?
IVAN: I... Yes. You are American? You are police?
FISHER: Yes and no. The police are on their way. Until they get here, I'm the only friend you've got. And I'm not a very good one.
IVAN: We have to leave. We have to hurry, they will find us soon.
FISHER: That's not my job. I'm here for your encryption key.
IVAN: That wasn't the deal.
Fisher: The deal still stands. The Feds will get you out of here alive, but first you have to give me the key.
IVAN: That wasn't the deal I made with the woman on the phone!
FISHER: Listen, do I come to your job and tell you how to murder civilians?
IVAN: What?!
FISHER: No. So don't come to my job and tell me how to do mine. The Feds are on their way or here already. You're going to be fine. You can give me the key or I can take it.
IVAN: That wasn't the deal!
FISHER: You're working from a very limited phrasebook. Listen, just give me the key. I'm tired and I hate making people scream. It gets me down.
IVAN: Here.
Ivan hands Sam the key.
FISHER: Thanks. And until the Feds get here... find a better hiding place.
IVAN: God dammit!
LAMBERT: Fisher, you're gonna like this!
FISHER: It makes me nervous when you say that.
LAMBERT: The Russians are all over the top floor. You're gonna have to do some cleaning before the Osprey can safely touch down for extraction.
If Sam keeps talking to Ivan, he will say one of the following things:
IVAN: Go away! I'm hiding!
IVAN: What?! Go!
IVAN: You have the key! What do you want?!
If Sam fails to prevent Ivan's death or kills him himself:
LAMBERT: I thought I told you to leave Ivan behind.
FISHER: He’s not going anywhere now.
LAMBERT: That was a direct order, Fisher! The mission’s over!
Mission failed
Sam gets in a lift and goes up.
Part five
Sam gets out of the lift. He is on the top floor, which is currently still under construction, and there are doorframes and building equipment lying around everywhere.
MERC 11: So, how'd you guys do?
MERC 12: What do you mean?
MERC 11: Downstairs, how many geeks did you clip?
MERC 13: Have some respect.
MERC 11: I want to respect you guys. Two... three a piece?
MERC 12: I killed one, he did four.
MERC 11: Oh my goodness, four! Nicely done.
MERC 13: Yes, well... How about you? How many did you kill?
MERC 11: Umm... None. But I had one assist.
MERC 12: No shame in that.
MERC 11: Yeah, I suppose!
Sam gets through this wave of mercs and reaches another.
MERC 14: I cannot wait for morning.
MERC 15: Tonight's work is some of the worst I've ever done.
MERC 14: It'll be over soon.
He heads off through more waves of enemies and enters a tunnel.
Part six
He comes across another group.
MERC 16: Do you have a cigarette?
MERC 17: I just gave you one.
MERC 16: I smoked it!
MERC 17: We've been standing here half an hour. I haven't seen you smoke anything!
MERC 16: Fine, forget about it.
MERC 17: Are you hoarding smokes?!
MERC 16: I said forget about it!
Sam makes it through more waves of mercenaries before reaching the roof, above which the Osprey is hovering.
[Version One]
Wilkes is shown engaged in a shootout with the mercenaries. One shoots him and he falls unconscious. Sam picks up Wilkes and gets into the Osprey.
Mission Complete
[Version Two]
Sam gets through the enemies and hops into the Osprey.
Mission Complete