5:00 CST: It has begun!
5:01 CST: Far Cry 4 gameplay shown
5:06 CST: Dan Hay talks about Far Cry 4
5:07 CST: Aisha Taylor says Holy sh*t
5:08 CST: Aisha Taylors says it's gonna get "hella f*ckin' smokey"
5:09 CST: Just Dance 2015 revealed, trailer shown
5:12 CST: Jason Altman talks Just Dance Now
5:14 CST: Just Dance Now capabilities shown off
5:16 CST: Petter Mannerfelt talks about The Division
5:17 CST: The Divison trailer
5:22 CST: Aisha shows off The Crew
5:22 CST: The Crew gameplay trailer
5:25 CST: [Guy] talks about The Crew
5:27 CST: The Crew battles on twitch.tv , June 10th and 11th
5:28 CST: Launch date for The Crew is November 11th
5:29 CST: Alex Amansio introduces Assassin's Creed Unity
5:30 CST: Assassin's Creed Unity trailer is shown
5:33 CST: Alex Amansio talks about Assassin's Creed Unity again
5:34 CST: Another Assassin's Creed Unity gameplay trailer
Will finish soon
Far Cry 4
Just Dance 2015
The Division
The Crew
Assassin's Creed Unity