Blue Remembered Hills lyrics
Please won’t you bleed for me
Oh please
I feel like a boy band feels
As crippled as Mel C’s Tears
Chauffeur me
Cradle me
Mum and Dad
Save us from the secrets of love
Part 2: Home time
Home time
Shorts and scuffs and beans for tea
Welcome home you silly thing
I’ll put the kettle on
Down here
Nestled in the family tree
Waiting for the shifting sands
The land of make believe
Bells ring us out and back in again
Gently now in the night time
Wear your nice thick coat in the cold and rain
Wear you armour inside out (now)
Can’t wait
Hope this year it snows again
Christmas time is here at last
Give me presents now
Hells bells
Ring out for the jilted sons
Those abandoned by their dads
On this Christmas day
Part 3: Cuckoo
My Daddy had a nervous breakdown
Living down South in a boarded up bungalow
My Daddy went home and he never came back
To the family were the heart is meant to be
At sea
I guess he never liked me
I’m just a big fat cuckoo
Living up North in the never never never land
Snakes in the grass with a cap in my bloody right hand
For the family where the heart is meant to be
At sea
I guess they never liked me
I’m just a waste of space
Listen to the old psychological shakedown
Gone to a new home, gone and they’re never coming back
To the family where the heart is meant to be
Gone to sea
I guess they never liked me
Eyes that see stars
Say that’s too far
Broke backs breed scars
Scars leave their marks
Part 4: Mummy’s boy
Days of good intentions don’t last long
Days of separation make you stronger
Times like these I wished I was a girl
I’m lost in the queue
And you are too
The laughs behind the backs of fat boys hurt
But funny when you know they wear your skirts down
Oh the perverts cry to be their Mums
I’m lost in the swirl
Of my imaginary world
Sometimes here
Sometimes there
Sometimes flying in mid air
And it’s only naïve fun when the dress is covering your son
Like a Mummy’s boy
Part 5: Come Unto Me
I knew a girl she was as sweet as can be
But when she showed it to me
I didn’t know how to let go
She pulled my head down to her parting and said
I’ll teach you how to give head
I didn’t have a f*cking clue though
She fished a spoon up from a hole in her tights
And offered me the first bite
And I said Oh no
She hunched her skirt down to her ankles and said
Well here be dragons my friend
So drink deep
Down into the dell
Where lonely children cry at night
Dampens down your dog days
Spinning songs to give you light
Here come the kings of the pubescent kids
They’re singing come come come unto me
My sister’s shoes smelt fusty and used
And then she got me confused
With all her distant pleasure
She lit a pipe and then she gave it to me
She says it comes in handy
In finding old mans treasure
Here comes your Uncle he’s a wheeze chested man
With eyes the colour of phlegm
And he says I love you love me
He goes down then he comes back again
You feel his breath on your skin
He’s breathing yes yes yes yes
Here come the stars and they know who you are
They sing of sex in their cars
And f*cking with their guitars
And at the time you were naïve and blind
And they were so unrefined
That they would take what’s offered
And those who thought they were innocent times
Nostalgia made them go blind
For all those modern lovers
And now we view the world of top of the pops
As something falling like rocks
On Savile’s sh*t stained covers
Part 6: Real Britannia
So Britannia’s a lush
Drinking all of that stuff
Staring over the sea
Welcome sailors for tea
I don’t mind if you’re poor
Huddled masses for sure
Come one and come all
Come along to the ball
Take this middle class boy
Find me a new kind of joy
Don’t be angry with me
I’m a mirror you see
If I’m a turn on to you
Well I fancy me too
‘Cos despite all the harm
Hands have done to this charm
I don’t blame all the wrong
I’m alive and I’m strong
Scream sweet nothing’s to me
Scream like the wind to a tree
(ii): Past present
The endless sun
Cross country runs
The glam rock beat
The 3 day week
The waist high grass
The P.E. class
The Oxford bags
The woodbine fags
The past is a shining sea that’s drowning me
So I get my kicks from those who fall like me
Into the deep blue
The dentists drill
The panty thrill
The Cub Scout pledge
To do my best
The asphalt graze
Those lazy days
The pencil case
We’re lost in space
The past is an endless dream of troubled seas
So I, I’ve always been kind to those who dream like me
Nostalgia hooks us
Pilsbury dough boy
Plays with my toys
Action man
The kicked tin can
The tiny tears
Derailleur gears
The airfix plane
The Hornby train
The past is a part of me, informs these words
So come follow the paths you fear to tread
That leads to blue remembered hills