The Dance at the Gym: Cha-Cha, Meeting Scene, Jump lyrics
by Leonard Bernstein
[TONY, spoken]
Funny, I wasn’t plannin' on showin' up tonight.
[MARÍA, spoken]
You don't like dancing?
[TONY, spoken]
No. I mean, yeah, I like it. I like it a lot, dancing with you. It’s just you’re, uh...
[MARÍA, spoken]
You're tall.
[TONY, spoken]
Yeah, I know. You’re not.
[MARÍA, spoken]
You’re not Puerto Rican.
[TONY, spoken]
You just figurin' that out?
[MARÍA, spoken]
From down here I wasn’t sure.
[TONY, spoken]
Is that okay? That I'm not?
[MARÍA, spoken]
I don’t know. Creo que sí, pero...como yo nunca... Since I never seen you before. This is my first time dancing in New York City, so you tell me. Is it okay?
[TONY, spoken]
Not much I can do about it, but—
[María suddenly tries to kiss Tony. Startled, he pulls back.]
[TONY, spoken]
Sorry, you just caught me by surprise is all. I’m a by-the-book type, so...
[MARÍA, spoken]
By the book?
[TONY, spoken]
Try me again?
[They kiss.]
[LUZ, spoken]