2 unidentified men wearing masks kick the door open and put 10 bullets into Dude 2
Unidentified man 1: You alright, man?
The Boy is puzzled
The two unidentified men take their masks off revealing themselves as Fam and Steve
Steve: You know those dudes were cops? That’s some sh*t
Fam: Yeah, we gotta go before more of’em show up
The Boy is unable to move. As he stares at Dude 2’s body, The Boy realizes how wrong this whole situation is. He should’ve died today or maybe Fam or Steve. It’s not that he hates them; it’s just that it would make sense
The Boy: You shouldn’t have killed him
Steve: Then we’d be dead or in prison
Fam: Man, we gotta go. We got the car out front
Fam and Steve run away, leaving The Boy behind. That makes sense
The Boy walks over to Dude 2’s body and says, “I’m Sorry.”
The Boy runs out to the front of the house, screaming “Wait” and thinking about how he will change his life after this and finally become free
The Boy runs outside just as Fam and Steve are getting in their car. They’re clapping and yelling for him to hurry up. 3 strides into his run, The Boy stops
Upon the sight of a group of police cars approaching
Clapping for the wrong reasons
The Boy and his friends know there’s no way out. He smiles because, in a way, he got what he wanted