Pourquoi me réveiller? lyrics
by Michael Bolton
(Werther) (Why do you wake me now?)
Pourquoi me reveiller, o souffle du printemos?
Sur mon front je sens tes caresses
Et pourtant bien proche est le temps
Des orages et des tristesses
Demain, dans le vallon
Se souvenant de ma gloire premiere
Et ses yeux vainement chercheront ma splendeur:
Ils ne trouveront plus que deuil et que misere!
Helas! Pourquoi me reveiller, o souffle du printemps?
Werther is madly in love with Charlotte, his friends wife. To forget her, he has run away. But when he returns, he finds he is more in love than ever. Werther recites a favorite poem for Charlotte, and at last realizes that fatal truth: Charlotte can never return his love
Why do you wake me now, o sweetest breath of spring?
On my brow I sense your most gentle caress
Yet how soon creeps on the time
Filled with tempests and with distress!
Tomorrow through the vale, the traveler will pass
Recalling all of the glory of the past
And in vain he will search for the bloom of my youth
And nothing will he find but deep pain and endless sorrow
Alas! Why do you wake me now, o sweetest breath of spring!