The Egg lyrics
by William Daniels
[ADAMS, spoken]
Nothing to fear. It's a masterpiece! I am to be congratulated
[FRANKLIN, spoken]
[ADAMS, spoken]
For making him write it
[FRANKLIN, spoken]
Oh, of course
It's a masterpiece, I say
They will cheer every word, every letter
I wish I felt that way
I believe I can put it better
Now then attend, as friend to friend
Our Declaration Committee
For us I see immortality
In Philadelphia city
A farmer, a lawyer, and a sage
A bit gouty in the leg
You know, it's quite bizarre
To think that here we are
Playing midwives to an egg
[ADAMS, spoken]
Egg? What egg?
[FRANKLIN, spoken]
America. The birth of a new nation
[JEFFERSON, spoken]
If only we could be sure of what kind of a bird it's going to be
[FRANKLIN, spoken]
Tom has a point. What sort of bird shall we choose as the symbol of our new America?[ADAMS, spoken]
The eagle
The eagle
The eagle
The eagle is a majestic bird!
The turkey?
The eagle!
[JEFFERSON, spoken]
The dove
The dove
The eagle
The eagle!
[FRANKLIN, spoken]
The turkey
The turkey
The eagle's a scavenger, a thief, and a coward!
A symbol of over ten centuries of European mischief!
The turkey is the truly noble bird. Native American. Source of sustenance of our original settlers. An incredibly brave fellow who will not flinch at attacking a regiment of Englishmen! Singlehandedly!
Therefore, the national bird of America is going to be:
The eagle![ADAMS]
We're waiting for the —
Chirp, chirp, chirp
Of an eaglet being born
Waiting for the chirp, chirp, chirp
On this humid Monday morning in this
Congressional incubator
God knows the temperature's hot enough
To hatch a stone, let alone an egg
We're waiting for the
Scratch, scratch, scratch
Of that tiny little fellow
Waiting for the egg to hatch
On this humid Monday morning in this
Congressional incubator
God knows the temperature's hot enough
To hatch a stone
But will it hatch an egg?
[ADAMS, spoken]
The Declaration will be a triumph, I tell you, a triumph! If I was ever sure of anything, I'm sure of that. A triumph. And if it isn't, we've still got four days left to think of something else
The eagle's going to crack the shell
Of the egg that England laid
Yes, sir, we can
Tell, tell, tell
On this humid Monday morning in this
Congressional incubator
And just as Tom here has written
Though the shell may belong to Great Britain
The eagle inside belongs to us
And just as Tom here has written
We say, "To hell with Great Britain!"
The eagle inside belongs to us!