..::Dispatch::.. lyrics
by Project Vela
What you are about to hear has been deemed declassified by rebel intelligence agency Project Vela
Stand by for transmission
[Man 1]
Detection of nuclear explosions by instruments 60,000 miles above the Earth, beyond the range of sound, but not beyond the reach of unleashed radiation, is the mission of the Vela satellite program
During an expected lifespan of three years, the Vela satellitеs will report to scientists any unusual changes in lеvels of natural or man-made radiation originating on Earth or from the vastness of space
Each Vela is a 26-sided polyhedron 50 inches in diameter. The outer covering of each craft mounts thousands of solar cells, which deliver up to 120 watts of power for its communications and instrumentation needs
With a 30-minute launch window scheduled to open at 05:50 Eastern Standard Time, April 8, 1970, two half-hour holds were incorporated into the countdown. The built-in holds were to reserve some contingency time if needed to assure the opening of the desired window
[Mission Control chatter]
"All personnel, switch to channel two for final status check. Channel two for final status check."
"TSL, it's ready to go."
"SRL, the range is go."
"[?] aerospace task group is go and we are confirmed for launch."
"Status check is complete, and all systems go."
[Continued chatter]
"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, [?], one. Liftoff."