Perfection DOESNT EXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lyrics
by kittydog
(music make you lose control)
(music make you lose control)
(music music music music music music make you lose control)
*scream*, oh woh, I
I feel your music with all of my senses
It moves all the mountains and changes perceptions
I know it isn't the purest intention
But i listen to you like i have an addiction
The way you make your drums
Makes me fall in love
Ur mixing is my drug
I-I wanna chop myself into a million pieces
Ooh ooh
I want to be like you
I want to make myself into the perfect person
But why arent i perfect
Am i even worth it
And do i desеrve to be your friend
I dont undеrstand why
I expect perfection
Cause isnt it something that doesn't exist
I strive to be stronger, work harder
But comparing myself thinking others are better is only a pathway to make myself sad
Music made me lose control and i think i can get it back
*flip, flip, flip flip*
(music make you lose control!)
P-p-perfection doesnt exist, i-i-i dont wanna listen to you o-o-oh
P-p-perfection doesnt exist, i-i-i dont wanna listen to you o-o-oh
Im perfect in my own way, and thats okay, that's okay. okay?
Im perfect in my own way, and thats what you'll get from me today