Slenderman vs Enderman lyrics
by Epic rap battle parodies
[Verse 1: Enderman]
I see you've joined my server so get ready for pain
Your white face and black suit have gone and played the wrong game
I've had it with you, Slendy, stop, don't talk
Watch me tear your woods a part, block by block
I'll take Steve's Diamond Sword and chop off your arms
You're just a statiky mess who doesn't cause harm
My land is infinite, there's just a forest in your world
Stop placing eight pages and come lick my Ender Pearls
[Verse 2: Slender Man]
You fruity, glowing faggot, let me show you the ropes
Come fight me in my lair, find my pages, wish for hope
That you won't get buttraped by flailing tentacles
I'll crush you into pieces, turn you into minerals
I'm making boys and girls p*ss themselves in fear
All you can you is move a block over here
I won't lick your Ender Pearls, I'll just rip them straight off
You don't even need to exist, you damn ripoff
[Verse 3: Enderman]
You're just dancing in your forest in formal attire
Wanna see real fear? Come step on this tripwire
I'll take you down a Notch, don't tread in my biome
I'll remove you, like Herobrine, cause this is my home
I got Zombies and Creepers and Dragons in my band
You think you're tough as a diamond but I'll dig through you like sand
Stop acting so brave, there's no need to pretend
You've messed with me now, welcome to The End
[Verse 4: Slender Man]
Water and Rain? Really? That's your biggest fear?
No need to run when I can teleport anywhere near
Your suit is just black latex mixed with fabric
If you get in my face again, watch your screen static
I'm as tough as a Diamond, you're just a dust particle
I'll stand and watch you sleep from a very far mile
Pack your little block of things, you're getting kicked out
I'll Linda Blair your ass, show you what scary's all about