[phone rings, and it goes to voicemail]
I'll just record a message, whatever
She need to hear this
Oh sh*t, it's recording!
Hey momma, I'm pretty sure you heard the previous song
I'm sorry for the cussing, I know you don't like it
I just wanted to remind you, that I love you and ya know
Every thing in the song was true, I'm sorry for yelling
Sorry for disobedient, this might not really effect you
But I hope what I say will, cause it may not seem
Like I've been good this past at least 4 or 6 years
Anger management, and depression, anxiety
Kinda is things that messes me up
And you know that, I'm not mental, at least I think
But I still wanna you this to hear this cause as I say a billion times
I do love you and respect every thing you do for me
Ayden, Arielle, dad, and me, and I thank you on my life for that
You gave me life, and I should never take it as a joke
Or take you as a joke, ya know, which I don't
So just things going on, I guess
But I just wanted to leave this for you
I really hope you understands, so I'm a call you later
Alright bye, love you, hope you get this
[phone hangs up]