I'm here just so you know, I've got your back
So whenever you feel cornered just say my name
If all my friends wrote a song they'd be singing
About the same thing all at once
I've got no story to tell
Just put me aside on a dusty shelf
Is that what you'd call a monumental change
We haven't moved at all, we're stuck in the same place
The sun will find us soon
We'll spend another day in the clouds
Don't look down down't look down
We'll have to find an exit out
You say you fall in love to often
But I can send the others packing
I'm here just so you know, I've got your back
So whenever you feel cornered just say my name
Anxiety builds pressure around your, fragile fragile head and there's no cure
You just have to sit back and relax
Sit back and just breath
The records's skipping, it reminds me of you
But I am still in love no matter what it is that you do
Compose yourself, please resort to rational thinking
Tell me, tell me again did you have a motive?
I don't want to go home tonight until my head is screwed on tight
Until my head is screwed on tight
Instead of love and decency this anger's coaxing me
And where is my oxygen with every breath I'm struggling
I can feel it, there's something that sets us way above the rest
Let's set examples for them
As the sun goes down again
We find ourselves staring at the same clouds we were hiding in
I'm here just so you know, I've got your back
So whenever you feel cornered , Just say my name
Anxiety builds pressure around your, fragile fragile head and there's cure
You just have to sit back and relax
The records's skipping, it reminds me of you
But I am still in love no matter what it is that you do
There's a reason for this beating heart
I'll find my place just give me some space