Classroom lyrics
by London Yellow
[Teacher & Kids]
Alright kids, alright kids
Alright everybody quiet down
You have- you have a- you have a couple of special guests here for you (I like poop)
Today to talk about drugs with you kids
Because you can't
You can't go messin' around with drugs, okay?
So welcome to the classroom, K1LLWH1TEY and London Yeller! (Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!)
Alright gu- kids, here ya go!
Hi- hi guys, I'm Kill Whitey
And I- I got a message for you guys today
And this is my friend London Yellow, say hi London!
[London Yellow]
Hi my name is London Yellow
[K1LLWH1TEy & London Yellow]
Okay, so listen kids
The message that we bring to you today is simple
Drugs are good for you (BUH!)
And you should try them!
My brother died from drugs
I- I thought that drugs was bad
[K1LLWH1TEY & Kid]
Hey, hey shut the f*ck up!
Nobody f*ckin' asked you, you piece of sh*t!
Shut the f*ck up!
(Smack) Aah! (Smack) Aah! (Smack) Aah!