‘The Amazing Digital Circus: PILOT’ script lyrics



'The Amazing Digital Circus: PILOT' script

(The pilot starts off with a landscape scene, depicted in a Nintendo 64-like style. “THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS" logo appears. The camera zooms in towards, and eventually entering, a large tent in the background as the graphics of the scene increase in quality.)

(The scene switches to a dark room with curtains as the back wall, soon lit up and lights move around as Caine twirls and pops out of thin air ,introduces himself, after a small wait.)

Caine: Welcome to The Amazing Digital Circus! My name is Caine. I’m your ringmastеr and I’m here to show you the most jaw-dropping, hеart stopping, mind-bending paraphernalia you’ve ever laid your eyes upon! (Caine pulls Bubble from his hat.) Isn’t that right, Bubble?

Bubble: That’s right, Caine! I can’t wait to see what you’ve got cooking up for today. ( smiles as she or he is talking )

Caine: Well, let’s not waste any time! Let’s get right into the show! ( moves away from the show curtain, as the curtain starts to unravel )

(Theme song plays as the main cast of characters are revealed.)

🎶 Gangle, and Zooble, and Kinger too! 🎶

🎶 Ragatha, Jax, and there's Kaufmo, woo-hoo! 🎶 (On-screen: "Disclaimer: Kaufmo the Clown did not show up today.")

🎶Day after day after- Day after- Day after day we fly 🎶 (The video loops multiple times)

🎶 Past the moon and the sun and we don’t know why! 🎶

(A jester character suddenly appears as objects fly through the air.)

???: W-w-where?
(She walks around, almost getting hit by a flying eyeball. She spots an exit and runs towards it, only for the exit to dissolve and disappear. A hat zooms past. A big flower falls and glitches into the ground GMOD-style, frightening her. She knocks over Jax, causing Kinger, and subsequently Gangle to fall over too, breaking Gangle's comedy mask, while the theme song slows down and stops.)

The Protagonist is Introduced
(The Jester backs down, while the others stand up. Ragatha and Zooble show up, peering at the jester, as she is very confused at the moment)

Jax: Caine, is this one of your NPCs or is this a new sucker? 'Cause if it's a new character, we're gonna have to redo this whole theme song. (He looks and sounds bothered by the possibility of redoing their theme song)

Zooble: I'm not doing that again.

(Jax looks at Zooble, and looks dramatic or confused)

Caine: My my, it appears a new human has entered this realm! (Moving his cane around to point at the jester, before pointing in the air)

(The Jester struggles to take the weird headset off.)

???: How do I... take this… headset off!? (Is struggling, as her eyes appear to be scribbles at the moment)

Jax: Just keep grabbing at it. That worked for all of us.

(The Jester attempts to pull the headset off but, not realizing that it doesn't work, pulls at her eyes and mouth instead. When she gives up, her eyes and mouth fly back into position, making her head wobble)

???: Whats… going on? I-I-I put on some weird headset.. and now I'm...here? (Her eyes widen)

(The Jester looks around in confusion.)
???: Who are you people? Why can't I take it off? WHERE AM I?

(Ragatha suddenly interrupts the Jester from speaking any further.)

Ragatha: Let's just try to calm down. Everything's gonna be ok, new stuff. We've all been through this. You just need to get your head to— (Eyes minimize as she got interrupted)

(The Jester interrupts Ragatha.)

???: WHAT THE %$!# IS GOING ON!?...what— (Looks down at her hand, and her mouth, questioning what has just transpired)

(The swear she said is censored by a cartoonish sound effect, and a black bar covering her mouth temporarily. The Jester gets interrupted again by Caine, explaining that swearing is prohibited in the realm.)

Caine: Now now now, my dear! We can't have any of that foul language around here. The Amazing Digital Circus is a place to be enjoyed by all ages. You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders, where anything can happen!...e-except for swearing. (His eyes look around the place after explaining)

(The first thing the Jester did was to try out every swear word after hearing that information.)

???: %$!#, %$!#, %$!#, %$!#, %$!#, %$!#, %$!#, %$!#, %$!#, %$!#. %$!#. Oh, my god. Well, h-how do I, you know.. leave? (She looks up at Caine)

(Caine pauses in the middle of explaining)

Caine: Uh-

Ragatha: W-Well don't freak out about it or anything, but uh, we.. don't exactly—

(Jax interrupts Ragatha, as going in front of the jester)
Jax: You can't.

???: What? (Eyes minimize as shes looking at Jax, in worried confusion)

Zooble: Shut up, Jax. But yeah, he's right. Welcome to your new home, and your new body. (Their claw points down to the jesters feet)

???: “N-n-new home"? What do you mean? (her eyes dart around)

Ragatha: Guys, don't be mean.

Jax: We've been stuck here for years! Old Kinger over there's supposedly been here the longest.

(Kinger peeks out of his pillow fort that he had made.)

Kinger: Huh, did somebody say something about an insect collection? (his eyes widen in excitment)

Jax: That's why he's craaazy. (chuckles) Eh.

(The Jester starts panting and the pupils of her eyes turn into scribbles, but she calms down.)

???: Oh, okay, now I get it! (laughs) This is a dream! And I should just play along until I wake up, right?

(The camera turns to the characters)

Jax: ..Whatever you say, kid.

(The camera cuts off to Gangle, crying because her comedy mask was broken earlier.)

Gangle: They broke my comedy mask... (She continues sobbing)

Jax: So, Caine, we havin’ a new adventure today for the newbie or what?

(Whilst saying this, Jax walks over one of the halves of Gangle's broken mask, breaking it more.)

Gangle: (She sobs even more in response)

Caine: I'd like to give our brand-new member a tour of the circus grounds first.

???: Uh-

Caine: Off we go!

(Caine and the Jester warp to the outside of the tent)

Caine: Here we have THE TENT! This is where your living quarters are, as well as other sorts of activities! These activities may include-

(Caine's eyes glitch out, and take on the texture of a windows error screen. A dial up sound starts playing.)

(The glitching stops.)

Caine: -ball pits, mini golf, and more!

(The two warp to the rest of the island. The camera moves so that all the island - where everything (mostly) takes place - is visible.)

Caine: And here we have THE GROUNDS! Drown yourself in the digital lake, or engage in ridery at the digital carnival! Night, day, it’s all okay! The choice is yours, a cosmic buffet!

???: Uh, is... that all there is?

Caine: Of course not!

(The two warp further, going to a endless plane of white squares with varying sizes.)

Caine: This is the void! (As that is said, the camera moves further back, making Caine's voice softer. It goes back shortly after.) We.. don't venture out into the void. Not even I know what's out there.

(Intense silence overcomes.)

???: That's-

(Before the Jester could say anything, the two go back to the grounds.)

Caine: We stay right here, where I can keep my HUNDREDS OF ALL-SEEING EYES ON YOU!

(Another short-span intense silence, as eyeballs - presumably the ones Caine mentioned - appear behind the two.)

Moon: Hello, Caine. I love you.

Caine: Aahhh! Let's get outta here before the Moon gets frisky!

(The camera cuts off to an orange exit door seen in the grounds.)

???: Wait, what's that-

(Caine, again, warps them to the tent. The Jester pukes black liquid on the floor.)

Caine: Woah, clean up on aisle you!

(Bubble appears from Caine's hat.)

Bubble: I'm on it, Boss!

(Bubble proceeds to continuously lick the vomit while Caine seems disturbed.)

Caine: ...Why are you like this?

(The Jester returns to her consciousness)

???: Wait, wait. Was that an exit door I saw out there? Is that a way to leave?

Jax: What exit?

(Jax takes off Zooble's arm and scratches it on his back.)

Jax: If there was a way to leave, I'm pretty sure we’d have all left by now.

(Zooble controls the arm and chokes Jax while talking.)

Zooble: Yeah, what are you talking about?

(The camera cuts off to Caine still watching Bubble lick the vomit.)

Caine: Uh-uh-I- *clears throat* I assure you there is no "magical exit door." You're probably just experiencing DIGITAL HALLUCINATIONS! From your mind's transition to the digital plane.

???: But, I-I swear I saw-


(Caine looks like he's stressing out.)

Caine: ...How about we talk about something else? Like your name!

???: My name? My name is uhh... AAHH! OH, GOD! WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER MY NAME!?

Caine: Nobody can remember their name once they enter the Digital Circus! One of the few things I don't have control over are your minds! So all I can help you with is coming up with a new one!

(The Jester's eyes go abstract, again.)

???: Ugh...what's my name...?

Caine: Don't you worry your little head. Your new name can be anything!...

Caine: ...hereby acknowledging that your chosen name or names may not breach the Digital Circus User License Agreement stating that your name may not include objectionable content. Objectionable content includes - but is not limited to - sexually explicit material, obscene, defamatory, libelous, slanderous, violent, and or unlawful content or profanity. (He said very quickly, as if it were a commercial warning)

Caine: What are you thinkin’?

???: Huh? I... don't care, just pick anything.

Caine: Let’s see!

(A slot machine of letters falls down and rolls.)

Caine: What do you think of XDDCC? (Stammering)

???: I don't-

Caine: You're right, terrible. Let's try that again!

(The slot machine of letters rolls again)

Caine: What do you think of POMNI?

???: Huh? Uhh, sure.. I think I just-

In-house Adventure for Pomni
Caine: Gadzooks, you're right, Jax! We should have a brand new adventure for our new member, Pomni!

Jax: I said that, like, 5 minutes ago.

(Caine points to Pomni)

Caine: You! Do you like adventure? Activity? Wonder? Danger? Horror? Pain? Suffering? Agony? Death? Disease? Death? Angel food cake?

(Bubble appears and eats the angel food cake Caine had pulled out as he said that line. Caine looks at Bubble, horrified.)

Caine: You PARASITE! *pops Bubble*

Pomni: Uh- I don't really-

Caine: Since you're new around here, we're gonna make it a simple, in-house, adventure to warm you up to how things work around here.

Zooble: What? No, god! I don't want an in-house adventure!

Caine: Don't worry, Zooble. I'll make it something unobtrusive that you can still choose to not get involved with!

Caine: Today's adventure is... Gather the Gloinks!

(Caine laughs maniacally. He is cut off as he starts saying the next lines.)

Caine: That's right! The entire circus tent will be infested with Gloinks, and you gotta catch 'em all!

Bubble: But what are they?

Caine: I'm glad You asked, Bubble, they're small-

Bubble: And what do they do?

Caine: They-

Bubble: And how do they-

(Caine pops Bubble.)

Caine: Gloinks are small mischievous critters that steal anything and everything they run into! Why do these humanoid hash-browns do this? How do you stop them? That's for you to find out. Now, good luck, and have fun, my little superstars!

(Caine disappears.)

Pomni: ...What did any of that mean?

Ragatha: Oh, that's just one of Caine's little adventures. They're just... something fun to do to, you know, prevent us from going insane. (nervous chuckle)

Zooble: *sigh* Speak for yourself. If anyone needs me, then %$!# off. (Zooble pulls the middle finger, which is also censored.)

(Gloinks appear and steal Zooble's body parts}

Zooble: Oh God, oh jeez, NO! OH GOD! SOMEBODY HELP!

(Gangle gasps and Jax begins to be sarcastic)

Jax: Oh no, they killed Zooble. Anyway, you guys wanna go get something to eat?

Ragatha: ...Oh wait, we should go check on Kaufmo! I'm pretty sure he'd like to meet Pomni!

(The Gloinks steal Kinger's "Impenetrable Fortress", which was his aforementioned pillow fort)


Ragatha: You wanna come with us to check on Kaufmo?

Kinger: No, not really. I think Kaufmo's gone insane. Last time I spoke with him, he was rambling endlessly about some exit. Kind of like you, Pomni! You might be going insane too.

Pomni: BUT WAIT! Wouldn't that more likely mean the exit DOES exist?

Jax: Could also mean that you just have a jumpstart on losing your mind?

(Gangle speaks from far away, making her voice softer)

Gangle: Wait! What about Zooble!?

Pomni: Well, I think I'd like to ask him about it, IF this was real, which it isn't, because it’s a dream.

Jax: Heh, she still thinks this is a dream.

Ragatha: Uhh... why are you looking at me like that?

Jax: I'm fine with doing whatever, as long as I get to see funny things happening to people!

(A gloink smacks Jax)

Jax: Ow! Okay, I've already had enough of these things. *sigh* You, me, and Pomni will go check on Kaufmo, which leaves crybaby (Gangle) and hoo-ha (Kinger) together to go handle the Zooble situation.

Ragatha: Haha, do you think pairing them up together is a good idea?

Jax: Of course I do. They're the two most mentally stable and capable characters to be paired together.

(As Jax is saying this, Kinger starts to shake violently)

Jax: Come on, ladies, let's go harass the clown.

(Pomni and Ragatha follow Jax)

Gangle: My comedy mask is broken again...

Kinger: AH! Oh, Gangle. You startled me.

Kaufmo Situation
Ragatha: So, this is where we all live. Or well, where we all sleep at night. Even though we don't really need to sleep. It's sometimes nice to kinda take a break from everything and have a bit of routine, y’know? I'm sure there will be one for... Oh, look you already have one!

(Pomni stares at the door with the same facial expression)

Pomni: I... still don't understand.. about the adventures. Why even go on them at all? Why not try to find a way to leave?

Ragatha: Well, we usually do, when we first arrive, but after a while you start to realize that you really can't leave and constantly chasing an unattainable goal will start driving you a bit crazy. And eventually you get to asking what the point of anything is and you completely lose sight of who you are and why you're even alive and when you reach your breaking point, something really terrible can happen. Ah, but that's not something we need to deal with today. Above anything else, the adventures give us something to do that keeps our minds healthy and stimulated.

(Ragatha rings Kaufmo's doorbell)

Jax: Thank goodness this is all a dream, right, Pomni?

(Pomni Has abstracted eyes, again. Jax tries to wake up Pomni)

Pomni: *gasp* Why are we here again? What are we doing?

Ragatha: We're getting one of our friends.

(Ragatha rings the doorbell, but there's no response.)

Ragatha: Huh, maybe he's not in his room? I hope he's alright.

Jax: Don't worry dollface, I've got a key to his room. (Reveals key and spins it and walks towards Kaufmo's room)

Ragatha: Wha, wait, wh-why?! You-you-you shouldn't have keys to anyone's room!

Jax: Nah, I've got keys everywhere, and you've all been fine. By the way, I may have left something in your room today, so let me know if you find it. You're not afraid of centipedes, are ya?

Ragatha: JAX! That's literally my only fear, why would you do this?!

Jax: What? It could be a completely unrelated question. You'll never know until it's too late.

(To their surprise, they see writing everywhere, messed up pictures and a abstracted black glitchy creature with realistic creepy eyes - they are Kaufmo, who has well been abstracted)

Jax: Oh, I've been looking for this. Thanks for keeping an eye on it, Kaufy. I'm gonna head out, see ya. (Jax picks up a sort-of-bowling ball item)

Ragatha: Oh, Kaufmo's.. been abstracted! That-- that's okay.

Pomni: What is that?

Ragatha: It.. might be that terrible thing I was talking about earlier, when you reach your breaking point?!

Pomni: H-huh?

Ragatha: Okay, wait! Maybe there's still time to fix him before we get Caine!

(Abstracted Kaufmo approaches Ragatha and gets out of his room. While Ragatha is stuck, Pomni tries to escape)

Ragatha: Whoa! Kaufmo, Listen! I know we didn't always get along, like when you called me out for fake laughing at your jokes! I swear, I really did think they were funny, I was just having a bit of a bad daaaaAAAYYYYY! (Abstracted Kaufmo grabs and drags Ragatha, interrupting her)

(Abstracted Kaufmo hits Ragatha on the walls, floor and ceiling multiple times, and now Ragatha is glitched)

Ragatha: Hey, Pomni? You think you could perhaps help me out here? I understand... if you don't... want to, though.

(Pomni tries to help Ragatha, but her hand is now glitched)

Pomni: Ow!

Pomni: I'm sorry! (Runs away in fear)

(Abstracted Kaufmo chases Pomni but fails and breaks a fence, with Pomni successfully avoiding Kaufmo)

(Pomni groans and exclaims softly as she runs back down the hallway towards Ragatha.)

Getting the Gloinks
(Zooble screams in the hole)

Kinger: I don't know what I'm looking at here.

Gangle: We saw a Gloink carry one of Zooble's pieces down there, remember?

Kinger: Oh, yeah. Thank you for the recap.

(Zooble Still Screaming inside the hole)

Kinger: Boy, we're not very good at this, are we?

(Jax is seen running)

Jax: Ugh.. Sup, fellas?

Kinger: JAX! We found the Zooble hole.

Jax: Cool.

Gangle: How’s Kaufmo doing? I hope he's not still mad at me for not laughing at his jokes.

Jax: Oh, he's doing great. In fact, I don't think I’ve ever seen him this happy before.

Kinger: Well, it's good to know he hasn't completely lost his mind.

(Kaufmo growls in the distance and Jax looks at it)

Jax: He actually asked me to give you this. (He throws the bowling ball at Kinger which knocks him inside, followed by Gangle, and Jax jumping inside the hole)

(The scene cuts off with a long red slide with Kinger, Gangle, and Jax with it. followed by a sign with Caine in the middle saying "RADICAL". Followed by Kinger and Gangle being a bowling ball to a group of bowling pin-shaped Gloinks. Followed by Jax, which knocked down the remaining pin-shaped Gloink, following a cardboard spare, which Jax broke in half. Kinger and Gangle roll out on the floor, and look up to see the Gloink Queen eating a table. She burps)

Kinger: An insect collection?

Gangle: I think it's a nest.

(Gangle and Kinger look at each other)

Kinger: (startled) Ah!

(Scene cuts to Pomni walking through the trashed hallway, looking for Ragatha)

Pomni: Hello? Ragatha? That was your name, right?

(Pomni sees an abstracted Ragatha lying against the wall.)

Ragatha: O-o-over here. (groans)

Pomni: Hey, look, I'm...I didn't mean to leave you behind like that. I, just...look at my hand. I, I didn't know what to do.

Ragatha: It—it's okay. What you need to do right now is to find Caine. He'll be able to fix me up and take care of Kaufmo.

Pomni: Oh, okay, but where can I find him?

Ragatha: Uh, I don't really know. Just look around and call for him, I suppose.

Pomni: Uh...okay! I'll get him! You just stay right there...not that you can really move or anything. Uhh.. Just hang in there, I'll be right back, I promise! (starts to run off but soon pauses when Ragatha starts to say something and looks over)

Ragatha: (glitching horribly and speaking in a cracked voice) Cool. Also, Pomni, I'm sorry your first day here had to be so terrible.

Pomni: (awkwardly still doesn't believe this is real) Uhhhh, yeah, well, don't worry about it. I'm just gonna go get Caine now. (Gives Ragatha a reassuring smile and runs off to find Caine)

Pomni: (In front of the sleeping quarters) Hello? Caine? We have a bit of an issue here! (Calls out, but gets no response. She realizes the whole place is quiet and checks everywhere)

(Pomni starts exploring the empty circus for Caine to fix Ragatha. She comes across several doors. The first was a boxing glove that hit Pomni in the face when she opened the door. Another had an ocean of fishes swimming and somehow the water is moving out of the door, leaving Pomni puzzled. Third was a bathroom with a mannequin that was relaxing in the bathtub and an angry red mask which was a jumpscare for Pomni, who quickly shut the door before getting hurt again. At the fourth door, she gets hit by another boxing glove and was rubbing her face when she hears a noise and perks up.

Pomni: (From behind a wall) Caine? (She suddenly looks up in shock to see Abstracted Kaufmo roaming around the circus. He notices Pomni with his distorted eyes. Pomni makes a weird freaked out face, and the black glitched creature charges at her, making Pomni freak out and run)

Gloink Queen: (Finally sees the characters, much to her disapproval) Huh, what form of non-Gloinkinian mass dares presume presence in the nest of the Gloink Queen? (Jax is unbothered and checks his nails in a sassy way)

Jax: Oh, is that who you are? You know, you could have asked for my consent before forcing me to see something so completely and utterly disgusting.

Gloink Queen: (Offended and angry at Jax for his rude words to her, a queen) How despicable, a rabbitoid that runs its mouth in the presence of my royal figure!

(Kinger and Gangle are still kneeling to the Queen)

Kinger: Well, as a royal myself, I would like to kindly ask if-oh, look there’s Zooble! Hi, Zooble! (waves at them as their head is getting carried away by a Gloink)

Zooble: (In an unpleasant, serious tone) AUGH! HELP ME, YOU IDIOTS!

Jax: (Gets a little upset when Zooble raises their tone at him) Kinda rude, Zooble. Now I don't wanna help you. (He crosses his arms in disapproval.)

(Kinger and Gangle realize that one of them have to retrieve back Zooble's head. So both of them play Rock, Paper, Scissors to get the head back. Gangle loses because her hands are ribbons, and thus, they can't bend or turn into fists/fingers)

Gangle: Oh, I always lose... (Covers her sad mask with her ribbon hands as a sign of defeat)

Kinger: (Happy that he won) Yes! (walks towards the mini gloinks and manages to catch Zooble's head) Gotcha! (He freezes and doesn't process what is happening but watches awkwardly as Zooble and his hands continually move towards the Gloink Queen to feed her) Oh. (He realizes his hands are detached from his body and thus did not stop Zooble's head from being carried away by the Gloinks.)

Zooble: (The mini Gloinks stack on top of each other with Zooble's head on top as Zooble realizes they are being eaten alive) Hey?! KINGER YOU MOTHER- (The Gloink Queen cuts them off by lunging down and grabbing Zooble's head with her tongue. She swallows Zooble's head and Kinger's hands whole.)

Gangle: EEEEE! (anxious and sad that they were eaten)

Jax: (Shrugs apathetically) Eh, he'll be fine.

Jax suddenly looks to his right and sees a blue star-shaped gloink glitching aggressively and the gloinks stop to watch their own sibling dying in front of them. Jax looks back and forth, concerned for his own safety. The scene cuts back to Pomni running from Kaufmo, who was still chasing her.

Pomni: Gotta hide, gotta hide, gotta hide. (looking both ways for a hiding spot but suddenly stops and looks at herself in the mirror for the first time, seeing how she is in the virtual circus. She quickly looks away as Kaufmo comes at her and she hides behind a yellow Barrel after she opens it up and reveals red plastic barrel monkey toys from the 1900's. Kaufmo gets distracted and forgets about Pomni and instead chases after one of the monkeys.)

Pomni: God, Where is Caine? (Pomni bumps into a exit door in front of her with Abstracted Kaufmo growling nearby.)

Pomni opens the exit door and enters, only to find a room with yet another exit door. Pomni goes through that door, but proceeds to find another exit door.

Pomni: Huh!? (Confused and scared)

Pomni runs through the door and finds a room similar to the last one, Pomni groans and continues to pant.

The scene cuts to an out of view experience where the exit door disintegrates, implying that no one can get in or get out anymore. A gloink bounces torwards it, befuddled. Seconds later, the Gloink is crushed by Abstracted Kaufmo.

Gloink Queen: You foolish assortment of colorful characters! (She raises her head to the ceiling to show disapproval towards Jax, Gangle, and Kinger.) Do you not realize everything must be Gloinks!? I am Gloinks, You will be Gloinks! God will be Gloinks-uh!

Jax: This is dumb and weird. (He speaks with a tone of disgust and looks at Gangle.)

Gloink Queen: Well, B- uh- (Stuttering, not knowing what to say) Y- Yet you're still watching it!.

Jax: I'm not here for the adventure or anything i'm just here to hide from the-

Abstracted Kaufmo falls onto the Gloink Queen, Causing a massive thud.

Kinger gets pushed to the wall by Zooble's head.

Kinger: Oh, thank god you're okay! (Relieved) You didn't experience a gameshow in there, did you?

Zooble: Uh.. I- What are you talking about? (Gives him a confused look.)

The scene cuts to The Gloink Queen being beaten up by Abstracted Kaufmo with cartoony noises.

Gangle: What's happening!? (Scared and worried)

Jax: It's just Kaufmo. (Showing no emotion for Kaufmo) Don't worry about it.

Gangle: Kaufmo Abstracted!? (She puts her hands up to her face in shock and worry.)

Jax: Nah, He's fine. (Yet again showing no emotion)

Kinger: -YOU'RE RIGHT! HOW ARE WE GONNA GET OUT OF HERE!? (Worried from being trapped)

Zooble: Guys, Over there (Also showing no emotion)

Kinger: Huh. (Suddenly being relieved)

They all start walking towards the escalator

Jax: Ladies first. (Being nice to Gangle) No wait why would I say that?

Jax pushes Gangle to the side

Zooble: Wait.. Pomni's not even here!? (Angry and annoyed) Wasn't this whole thing for her?!

Jax, Interrupting Zooble: Be quiet. I can't hear the escalator...

Jax puts his head on the escalator rails

The Exit
The scene cuts to Pomni traversing the "Exit".

Pomni: (Gasps and whimpers)

Pomni keeps exploring until she finds a office cubicle with a computer and a VR Headset, possibly referencing the fact she was transferred here by a Headset.

Pomni: (Cackles wildly while clutching her head)

Pomni makes it to a long hallway with the last exit door. Pomni runs towards it slowly and opens the door.

As Pomni opens the door, she finds herself in The Void. She advances forward throughout it and its flashing colours, with a tranced look on her face.

The scene cuts to Caine, Bubble and several mannequins in a restaurant. The former two laugh.

Caine: Oh Bubble, you always know how to make me say this exact sentence.

A goofy cartoon sound starts playing, coming from Caine's wacky watch.

Caine: Gasp!

An advertisement for the WackyWatch shows up on screen.

Caine: An alert on my WackyWatch at this hour?

The WackyWatch shows a radar that locates someone in the Void, showing an alert.

Caine: Oh no (Caine goes cross-eyed). Someone's venturing out into the void! (goofy but shocked)

Caine: They'll get totally spoiled!

Caine teleports out of the restaurant, into the Void, grabs Pomni, then exits the void with her and goes back into the circus grounds.

Caine: There you go!

Pomni is still tranced, but snaps out of it a few seconds later.

Caine: Now, what the heck happened around here? (Confused, looking around) Oh yeah --- my doing. (Jolly again)

Kinger still holding Zooble's head, Jax and Gangle run up to Caine and Pomni.

Kinger: Caine! Kaufmo went through a sort of Kaufmosis and abstracted! (Still worried)

Caine: Kaufmo abstracted? Why didn't anybody tell me? (Exaggerated, plays a cartoon sound while sticking out his tongue)

Pomni looks at Caine in disgust.

Caine snaps his fingers and summons the abstracted Kaufmo over to him, while the latter growls.

Caine: And into the cellar you go.

Caine opens a hole in the floor and sends Kaufmo down into The Cellar, which contains a body of water and several other abstracted beings, the hole shortly closes after.

Zooble's body, now reassembled, comes up to Kinger and collects their head, attaching it back onto their body.

Zooble: Man, I can't believe Kaufmo just gave up like that. (Sad) I mean, no offense Kinger, but I always thought you would be next.

Kinger: Thank you. (Happy)

Jax: Guess it just goes to show you can't rely on Kinger for anything.

The glitched Ragatha crawls up to Caine.

Ragatha: I am in so much pain! (Voice glitching and stuttering)

Caine: Oop!

Caine snaps his fingers, which reverses the glitching on Ragatha, and Pomni's hand. As Pomni looks at her hand, Ragatha stands up and stands next to Pomni, not looking at her, not happy. Pomni looks at the floor the opposite way.

Caine: I do have to apologize for lying about the exit. I knew how much all of you have been wanting there to be one, but, you know, I was having so much trouble figuring out what to put on the other side and ended up never quite finishing it. And you know how I never like letting people see my unfinished work -

Pomni stands there, worried.

Caine: Especially if it leads you out into the void. Anyway, it looks like you defeated the Gloink Queen, so I guess the adventure's over. Your reward is a delicious digital feast cooked by our head Bubble Chef.

Bubble shows up, donning a chef hat, spatula and knife, next to a long table with food on it.

Bubble: Made with all the love I'm legally allowed to give. (Happy at first but trails off)

Jax: You know, I am pretty hungry.

Gangle: You didn't even do anything.

Jax: So what? I can still be hungry. (Annoyed)

Kinger: Well not really, 'cause we don't need to eat, drink or sleep in this digital world. So the digital food here only gives off the virtual sensation of eating without any of the nutritional benefits.

Jax: Sheesh, lay off it. Since when are you an expert on the digital world?

Kinger: Expert on the what?

As Kinger was talking, Pomni stood there in a trance, which eventually transitions to everyone at the dinner table. She looks down at her food, which looks similar to plastic play food, in a horrified expression. Everyone else at the table is talking peacefully. Pomni looks back up and forces a big, insane smile.

The camera zooms away from the table, to the top of the tent, then to The Grounds, then to The Void, then out into an office cubicle with a computer and a VR Headset.
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