Episode 133 - Antifap feat. Shuja Haider lyrics
by Shuja Haider
00:00 WILL: Hello friends, it's your mid-week Chapo. Coming a little later in the week than usual, but I hope you can forgive us.
00:09 MATT: You better f*cking forgive us, get over it.
00:13 FELIX: You are disgusting f*cking hogs. If you look at it proportionally, only about 2% of you showed up in Chicago for our two shows. f*ck you that you would even try to make demands. Die.
00:26 WILL: Guys, guys, this week is all about solidarity, okay?
00:30 FELIX: Solidarity against our listeners.
00:34 WILL: Let's do the roll call. It's me Will Menaker. Joining me this week, Felix Biederman.
00:37 FELIX: Hello everyone.
00:39 WILL: Matt Christman.
00:40 MATT: Hi.
00:41 MATT: Virgil Texas.
00:42 VIRGIL: Hello, how are you.
00:44 WILL: And sitting in as our guest, our friend Shuja Haider.
00:48 SHUJA: That's me, I'm glad to be back.