as*h*le, Jackoff, Scumbag lyrics
by George Carlin
[Bob Barlow (George Carlin)]
Hello, America! It's time to play as*h*le, Jackoff, Sc*mbag!
Ladies and gentlemen:
This man is a rancher, he works for an oil company and he lives in Texas. Is he an as*h*le, a jackoff or a sc*mbag?
This man is a lawyer. He lives on Long Island and he's a US Congressman. Is he an as*h*le, a jackoff or a sc*mbag?
This man is a TV newscaster, he lives in the Midwest and he's a born again Christian. Is he an as*h*le, a jackoff or a sc*mbag?
We'll find out today as we play as*h*le, Jackoff, Sc*mbag!
Well, hello everyone, I'm Bob Barlow and it's time for another session of as*h*le, Jackoff, Sc*mbag. You've just met our three subjects for today, now let's meet our players. Two contestants who will try to determine from the clues we give them, whether our three subjects are...
as*h*les, jackoffs or sc*mbags!
[Bob and Ethel Schwanz (Denny Dillon)]
First of all, our champion From Short Hairs, New Jersey. She's a mother of two and her hobby is sitting on the toilet until her legs fall asleep! Here is Ethel Schwanz!
How are you today, Ethel?
Not so good, Bob. I think I'm going to start my period
Well, that sounds interesting. What does your husband do?
My husband is dead, Bob. He was crushed in a folding couch accident
You have any little Schwanzes around the house?
Yes, I have been blessed with two wonderful sons. My oldest boy, Elliot, is involved in charity work. Every weekend, he takes a hundred senior citizens out to the country and leaves them there. And my youngest son, Jules, is currently attempting to be the first man to cross the Atlantic in a gas-filled douchebag
Well, that sounds very interesting, Ethel
[Bob and Eddie Donneker (Carlin)]
Let's meet your opponent. Your challenger is from Big Thighs, New York. A man whose job is recovering stolen religious articles. His hobby is calling up the Red Cross and telling them to go f*ck themselves. Meet Eddie Donneker!
Hi, Bob
Hi, Eddie. Is your wife here today?
No, Bob. She couldn't be here. She's taking the SWAT team exam in Newark
Well, she sounds like quite an independent lady
That's right, Bob. She once killed a man during a sports argument
Do you believe in women's lib?
Bob, she can do whatever the f*ck she pleases
Okay, tell us, do you have any children?
Yes, one son, D'Artagnan, is quite a successful Mr. Potato Head salesman. Unfortunately, my other son, Winslow, a designer of custom belt loops, was sucked up into a vent this morning
Well, that really sounds interesting, Eddie. They sound like quite a family
Okay, it's time to play as*h*le, Jackoff, Sc*mbag so, lets take a look at our prizes:
First of all: from Larson Luggage, a complete set of portable suitcases. Yes, now you can 'take it with you'. Specially designed Larson Luggage has built-in handles! Making it completely portable. "Larson. New ideas in luggage!"
And our winner will need that luggage because he or she is going on an all expense paid vacation to Dover, Delaware! "Dover, Delaware. The city that means well." You'll spend three days in Dover at the fabulous Fireproof Hotel. And you'll travel to Dover in...
This brand new wheelchair! Yes, it's the Wilson Speedmerchant 5000! The only wheelchair with a rollbar!
[Bob, Ethel & Wayne Critter (Carlin)]
All right, players, let's meet our first candidate as as*h*le, Jackoff or Sc*mbag!
Panel, this is Wayne Critter. He's a rancher and an oil man from Texas. He smokes ground beef in his pipe and his hobby is getting in his pickup on Saturday night and running over non-whites
Ethel, you're our champion. Is Wayne Critter an as*h*le, a jackoff or a sc*mbag?
Okay, Bob. It's definitely between as*h*le and sc*mbag. Wayne, what organizations do you belong to?
I belong to the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Masons and the American Legion
Okay, Bob. Based on that answer, I'm going with "as*h*le."
Okay, that's one vote for "as*h*le."
[Bob, Eddie, and Wayne]
And now, Eddie Donneker, it's your turn. What is Wayne? Is he an as*h*le, a jackoff or a sc*mbag?
I can settle this real easily, Bob. Wayne, what are your favorite teams in sports?
Well, I like the Dodgers in baseball and the Cowboys in football
Okay, I agree with Ethel, he does sound like an as*h*le. But that answer leads me to only one conclusion. This guy is a jackoff. A real jackoff!
Bob: All right, we have one vote for "jackoff" and one vote for "as*h*le."
[Bob and Ola Mae Critter (Dillon)]
Now, let's find out what he really is from one person in the position to know: his wife. Let's bring her out here, Mrs. Ola Mae Critter!
How are you, Mrs. Critter?
I'm fine, Bob
Got any little Critters running around?
You mean crabs?
...No, I mean children
All our children are grown, Bob, and they all have thankless dead-end jobs with corporations
Well, that sounds interesting, but let's get to the main subject: your husband
As you know, our contestants have voted one vote for "jackoff" and one vote for "as*h*le". This is the big moment, Ola Mae. We want you to tell us what your husband is: is he an as*h*le, a jackoff or a sc*mbag?
Well, Bob, when I first met him, he was a real jackoff. He did all kinds of crazy things. Like he'd drink a lotta beer and then p*ss in your hat! A real jackoff! Then after we got married, I noticed he started turnin' into an as*h*le. After several years, he'd become a complete as*h*le! Then he started spendin' more and more time with politicians and businessmen, Bob, and they turned him into what he is today. A complete and total sc*mbag!
A sc*mbag! He's a sc*mbag! That means our first round is a draw. No score yet
We'll be back in a moment or two to break this tie on round two of as*h*le, Jackoff, Sc*mbag!