EXIT lyrics
by SpaceGhostPurrp
Death sh*t I just want a exit/ end it
Bet b*tch hope my soul is endless/ methods
Suggestive botanical apprentice/ lessons
Weed pack the grabba and god sending me a message
I wanna live so much I wanna die so much
I wanna fall in love don’t wanna give a f*ck
I don’t give a f*ck
Man go f*ck urself/ can't trust a hoe need me a Gucci belt/ Medusa f*cking madara/ por favor quien quiere madona/ yo quiero madona quiero que me quieran como gente de zona/ no se porque se equivocan/ I feel like I’m goku do it for gohan/ it’s easy to lie and hard to remember/ to love misery despite the history of endeavors / photos down on the dresser/ so close to be found on a stretcher/ never solo gang always together/ if they cruise slomo know there’s lead in the weather/ survival priority for my family members/ my girl stay close she know I’ll defend her/ dont eat for days to go on a bender/ still getting letters from debt collectors/ return to sender/ Old man and the sea/ I’m fishing forever/ f*cking ur b*tch u can never posses her/ control is the most delusional effort/ Enders game caution to all who enter/ love is the obvious center/ y’all keep playing ketchup no u won't ketchup wearlovehope is my only get up
Death sh*t I just want a exit/ end it
Bet b*tch hope my soul is endless/ methods
Suggestive botanical apprentice/ lessons
Weed pack the grabba and god sending me a message
Eighth in the wood/ smoke through the pack
Eighth in the wood/ that wood gun slap
Based as we should/ is there incentive for facts/ playing defensive can’t ever relax/ it’s expensive not to cover ur tracks/ my retainer EXP passing the max/ ur passion is passive/ ur patterns are frantic/ emotions are manic/ ur habitat is habits implanted with antics bad planning with bandits who abandoned the status of God to brandish there sadness to masses for applause to be branded as average and flawed with no cause to stand there so lost/ stuck in a pause/ choosing to fall/ the cost of giving ur all to live for the tree and end up sum moss
Death sh*t I just want a exit/ end it
Bet b*tch hope my soul is endless/ methods
Suggestive botanical apprentice/ lessons
Weed pack the grabba and god sending me a message