Assassin’s Creed Unity Presents: Rob Zombie’s French Revolution lyrics
by Ubisoft
[Narrator/Executioner: Feodore Atkine]
A desperate people no nothing of mercy
For years we the people have suffered the cruelty of men too fit to starve
Too rested to care
But no more
We have endured years of war and failed military campaigns, a play for power
By kings who cared more for their legacy than their people
With a nation deeply in debt the nobility carried on with their lavish lifestyles
Ignoring our struggles and levying taxes upon us to shoulder the load for Le France
We starved in the streets
Tossed aside like rats
No longer would we be left to die
We formed a national assembly for the third estate
Our first step in the fight for independence
Yet we could have never known the dangers that lie waiting
The national assembly vowed for life
We were willing to do what was needed violently if necessary
We surged, unstoppable
The taste of freedom and liberty fell on each of our lips
When Le Bastille fell we grew hungrier
Not for bread or for grain but for justice
Even his highness wasn't safe from our reach
For too long did he dismiss our threats
Let him try to ignore us now
After ordering the death of the king
One man thirsted for control
He claimed to represent the people against the monarchy
But was far more dangerous than any king
Maximilian Robespierre
The slightest suspicion of counter-revolution was met with death
Mere rumors and speculation many of us meet our end
Families torn apart by Robespierre's reign
A reign of terror
Hundreds of thousands dead
Streets run red with blood
But the reign of terror would not last
Robespierre knew he was to meet the end that he put on so many
While fighting his arrest he tried to make his escape
But he was unsuccessful
A bullet to the jaw to remind him of his failure
A desperate people know nothing of mercy
(Liberte!, Egalite!, Fraternite!)
This is the history you know
Behind the bloodshed and le guillotine a different secret revolution awaited
It's story burning to be told