Best Alex Turner Quotes lyrics
by Arctic Monkeys
Guitar music or rock'n'roll or whatever you want to call it sort of goes away with trends, but it'll never go away completely. It can't die because it's so fundamentally attractiveInterviewer: "How did you change your shyness?"
Alex: "You know how Shakira's hips don't lie? Well mine are incredibly good liars. A mask if you like."People think I'm a miserable bast*rd, but it's just the way me face falls
I want it to sound good in the car, the way that like… 50 cent’s "In Da Club" does. If that comes on your shuffle… just try and skip it, I dare youWell writing for me isn't the same as speaking. Not for me. I seem to struggle with...conversation. Talking onstage... I can't do it anymore
I once stole a 'Dip Dab'. I walked out of the shop immersed in thought and when I came to the next crossing, while I was enjoying my lolly, I suddenly realised that I hadn't paid for it. So I walked back to the shop and kindly paid for itInterviewer: What must you be like when you're completely stoned out of your head?
Alex Turner: Stoned? What d'you mean, cause I seem like that anyway? Yeah. A lot of people... Tell me I'm a bit... Dreamy. But I like the idea of that. Of being somewhere else
I’m restless. I’d like to think I know who I am, but I’m interested in the world at large. Doesn’t matter where I’m living. I’ve got a pen and a notebook I bought in a market in Manchester. That’s all I needThere is always that one band that comes along when you are 14 or 15 years old that manages to hit you in just the right way and changes your whole perception of things. I don’t know what band is doing that for kids right nowI’ve been told I look like a 17-year-old Spanish girl. From the back, that is. When you get round the front it’s obvious I’m just a… bloke
People get too angry about X Factor and talent shows. Just let them get on with it, you need that to kick against. People talk about how that's ruined everything but there's always been sh*tty pop music, whether it came from a television show or notI'm not as cool as I’d like to be. There’s this clip where Clint Eastwood is on a talk show and he gets asked, ‘Everybody thinks of you as defining cool, what d’you think about that?’ And he gets his cigs out, takes one out, flicks it into his mouth, lights it and says, ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about
Matt used to shave my head in his kitchen, but he’d leave two stripes on, and then the gap in between those stripes came down and went through me eyebrow. That’s the weirdest haircut I’ve ever hadWhen I die have Jamie Cook sing at my funeral so my death would be the second most tragic eventInterviewer: Do you sometimes recognise fans you've seen before in the audience?
Alex Turner: I don't even recognise the rest of the band sometimes
Interviewer: You've been around for 10 years—where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Alex Turner: On a speedboat
Interviewer: In a tracksuit?
Alex Turner: Tracksuit on a speedboat
Interviewer: Not on tour?
Alex Turner: Maybe I'm on my way to the show in the speedboatAlex Turner: We kinda judge how good a gig these days is by how far I can slide on me knees. We played a show in Las Vegas on this tour and the surface was just unbelieveable. I mean I went about 13 feet, yeah, it were like a long way. Really good slide. I mean I coulda gone off the end of the bloody stage
Matt Helders: With a guitar in your hand
Alex Turner: But what can I say? I'm fearlessAnd, em, not to keep you any longer than necessary, cause everyone's sick of f*cking sight of us now. We did the triple, but in all honesty I suppose we're supposed to display some gratitude and that of course. And as we are grateful cause you know, voted for by the people and all that. We're very happy about that but um, who else were going to be 'Best British Band' at NME? You don't write about something that much and then not tell them they're 'Best British Band.'