Every day I try a little harder than the last/ to see if you'll notice me when I pass you I work up the courage to come up and ask you what I gotta do to make you love me but you got me stumbling and studdering like a dummy but baby you make my tummy hungry for this mushy lovey dovey warm and fuzzy feeling thats got me spaced from crazy fantasies that are so far out the stars are makin fun of them from other galaxies but I want these to be realities so maybe I gotta try a different strategy to get your attention I swear I don't have an obsession... well maybe a little one lets have some riddle fun, does anyone else find it just a little dumb that we go from obsessed to lovers to destined to never talk to eachother ever again from strangers to friends to lovers to oh him Yeah I know him or yeah I know of kim. we had this weird thing last year its actually kinda funny I watched her from the bushes wishin I was on her coushins oh my goodness shes puttin on a pushup what i'd do to be there and to push her up against the wall while shes... wait uh, nevermind im gettin off track, long story short she was the one I wanted yeah I knew it and I had to make her mine or id lose it so one night I snuck onto her bedroom while she was snoozin' god shes so freaking pretty she could light up an entire city her snorin' is like the purrin of a kitty so I shimmied my way under the sheets ugh she so cute when she sleeps but the next thing I know is I got the peircing sound of her screams in my ear and it rings and I try to calm her down and she screams even louder then I hear her father runnin up the stairs holy sh*t now im scared so I jump out the window 'fore he's there and I was never to bee seen around there again.. it just wasn't gonna work out between us.... im sure theres someone out there for you doe.... i'm sorry....