We Are Not The Same Peson lyrics
by Danny Gonzalez
{Chorus: Danny Gonzalez & Drew Gooden
I am Drew
I am Danny
And we are not the same person
We may have similar lives
We may have similar wives
But we are different nonetheless
And if you took the time to get to know us
For a minute
You'd see that I'm Drew
And I am Danny
Yes, I am Drew
And I am Danny
{Verse: 1 both}
My hair is brown
My hair is hazel
Look at our faces
Look at our navels
Why can't you see the differences that I do
My eyes are baby blue
My eyes are a different shade of baby blue
{Verse 2: Both}
People say our videos are similar
Just cuz we both make videos bout
Lele Pons
Logan Paul
Tik Tok cringe
Bad life hacks
And Instagram comedians
People say we copy and agree a lot
I don't see it
Yeah me neither
Dreaming of a day when the commentary genre will be all mine, mine all mine
And I'm dreaming of people won't think I'm the "road work" guy
From the "Road Work" vine