We Made a Chainsmokers Song! lyrics
by Danny Gonzalez
My heart is an ocean (cause it's deep)
No, cause it's empty and blue
I've never loved myself and I certainly don't love you
I wanted an iPad Pro but I got an iPad 2
Now, let me eat your soul
Death is inevitable and nothing but darkness awaits us on the other side
Chicka Chicka yeah but it's okay at least we tried
Love is like love it feels like love when you're in love (tea)
Don't fretti, eat spaghetti, don't frownie, eat a brownie
Oh, there's carrots everywhere
Isn't this something that jacksfilms did?
Without you I don't have you (deep!)
Oh, I am trash
I hate my life, I hate my wife
I want to die, beep beep lettuce
Me me big boy
Dingalingaling (beep lettuce)