Beyond The Wall lyrics
by Shwabadi
Credo est libertas in mare, ultra murum
Autem, supra murum, est plus bellum
[Verse 1]
Uh, living in the walls, humanity acclimatised to life, living like the cattle
But the bastion falls, suddenly we're fighting, survival shouldn’t be a battle
Right? An accident like this shouldn't happen
There's something wrong, actions of the past didn’t add up
The facts that they passed us through pastors
Is misinformation for trapping the masses those bast*rds
We've gotta take matters into our hands
Trying to keep us addled, now we're battered, but we all stand
Keep the metal ready when I hit them bet they fall down
Swinging in sync like you've seen a pack of Tarzans
Ducking in the shadows, an outlaw band
Shaking foundation when my crew moves like a barndance
Time runs away from us, ticking of the hour hands
Dreaming of leaving, now we're seeking out the far lands (we've gotta get away from here)
Many lives lost in the search for truth
It's a high cost, tight around our necks like a noose
Imminent doom, Titans overhead like a roof
Face impossible odds, but we've gotta break through
[Verse 2]
Youth lost for a violent cause
Tools tossed to the fires of war
Defy the odds, we’ll be flying on
Making our way to the basement and we’ll find what's lost
You can’t define this loss with words, you can't define the cost it's worth
If you can't rely on your brothers then your life is in trouble, when you’re tired you can trust we'll work
Humanity's burn first, I come second, no leeway
My crew more armed than the Hecatonchires
A new titanomachy, the danger that we face
A cruel kind of hierarchy, climb to where beasts lay
Demons that we slay, Kimetsu no Kyoujin
The key is the blade, it feels like I've been chosen
Breaching the gates in the walls like a Trojan
Opening ways to the doors they've been closing (what are they hiding from us)
Many lives lost in the search for truth
It's a high cost, tight around our necks like a noose
Imminent doom, Titans overhead like a roof
Face impossible odds, but we've gotta break through