14.txt lyrics
by Dan Salvato
Dearest Ive,
Where are the years going??? >~< Doesn't it feel like ever since we graduated, we're just the same doofy college kids but we're being put into increasingly adult situations?
It's hard to believe how much can happen in just one year...but all of my memories this year are full of reminders why you've been my very best friend for so long. My gratitude for you is highеr-reaching than the mountains I'm gonna live in aftеr faking my death. ;p (throwback to you ACTUALLY entertaining that plan after helping me break up with Daphne...to this day I can never tell how serious or joking you are about things...or life in general...but I think I would literally implode if I didn't have you to remind me that things never matter as much as they seem in the moment, and that things will always be okay.)
Imagine if we really do end up working together at Metaverse...that's literally the only way I think I'd be capable of coping with a mundane desk job. I know you said that your referral of me won't go very far because you're not a senior engineer, but...as I'm coming out of my rough patch, it's the future I imagine for myself every day.
I'm sorry for always being such a bundle of stress. I always feel like I want to be doing more for you, because the amount you do for me just seems like more than anything I could give back. You inspire me to always improve. And when I don't believe in myself, I stay motivated to become a better person so that I can deliver all of my best qualities to you.
I love you and I always will, until we face the end of the world together. Wishing for another 14 million years of friendship.
With everlasting love,