meeting notes 2.txt lyrics
by Dan Salvato
- Lib: Promising work on "recording" simulation activity into playable script
- Playable = Observable form, NOT a game...stay focused Ive
Pretending to type important things while waiting for everyone to get back on topic
4:30 still target end time
Assigning names to simulated entities for easier reference?
- A, B, C, D should suffice
- 1, 2, 3?
- Using "real" names only encourages treating them like pets rather than simulated entities
- Everyone is trying to come up with stupid names now
Control simulation
- Create identical VM without entity A having elevated access permissions?
- Seems unlikely - nothing has come close so far
- Clone VM1? Same elevated access but prevent the entity from discovering it?
- Seems tricky, but plausible
Meeting over time again