Exploratory/Process Analysis Essay
(100 points)
We have discussed the vastness of the internet, and also the perils of our transactions with it. This assignment implores you to explore the internet and its bottomless depths (not the dark underbelly, don’t go to the underbelly). Within this exploration you must chronicle the interactions. This exploratory essay is not argumentative, but instead it is an objective process analysis exploring your research. Chapter 8 in your Norton is a great foundational supplement on which to build this assignment. Demonstrate strong language choices and coherent thought. Your essay cannot broach a topic that has a Wikipedia page.
Guidelines: 3-5 pages (minimum 2 reputable sources)
Due Date: See Syllabus.
Pinpoint an international article that piques your interest. Introduce the issue presented. Write about why the article is of interest to you personally. What questions are brought about in your initial research? Allow these questions to transition into the body of the paper.
The body of your essay should chronicle your attempts at answering the questions you have formed.
Discuss finding reputable sources, and describe the dead ends of your research. If your research becomes tangential, follow it, embrace it, describe it. Why did you go down that path? What did you find?
Within your body you should be blending your personal exploration and objective, cited fact. We will discuss in class how to do this seamlessly, but be aware that you are expected to demonstrate this skill throughout.
The body of this essay should be formed organically and as your research progresses. Your task as a writer is to strive for coherence in your revision stage. Embrace the spontaneity of exploration.
How does your exploration conclude? Well, much like a choose your own adventure novel, that is completely up to you. Are you left with more questions? If so, explain them in detail. Do you feel that you have exhausted the research? These questions need to be answered or proposed in your conclusion. The reader has been a loyal companion throughout your exploration (if you have written an engaging and charismatic paper), so reward them with an ending, or the titillation of an ambiguous final act.
Good Luck.