The Turkish Reveille lyrics
by Lankum
There was a little ship and she sailed upon the sea
And the name of that ship was the Turkish Reveille
Oh she sailed out on that lonely lonesome water
Oh she sailed out on that lonesome sea
Up stepped a little sailor saying ‘What will you give to me,
If I sink that ship in the bottom of the sea?’
Oh I’ll sink her in that lonely lonesome water
Oh I’ll sink her that lonesome sea
Oh I have a house and I have land
And I have a daughter that shall be at your command
If you’ll sink her in that lonely lonesome water
If you’ll sink her in that lonesome sea
So he’s bowed on his breast and away swum he,
He swum ‘til he came to the Turkish Reveille
As she sailed out on that lonely lonesome water
As she sailed out on that lonesome sea
He had a little awl all made for the bore
And he bored nine holes in the bottom of the floor
Oh he sunk her in that lonely lonesome water
Oh he sunk her in that lonesome sea
So he’s bowed on his breast and away swum he,
He swum ‘til he came to the Golden Willow Tree
Where she sailed out on that lonely lonesome water
Where she sailed out on that lonesome sea
Saying ‘Captain oh captain, will you be as good as your words?
Or either will you take me up on board?’
For I’ve sunk her in that lonely lonesome water
For I’ve sunk her in that lonesome sea
‘No I shall not be as good as my word,
Or neither will I take you up on board’
Though you’ve sunk her in that lonely lonesome water
Though you’ve sunk her in that lonesome sea
‘If it were not for the love that I bear unto your men
I’d sink you the same just as I have sunk them’
Oh I’d sink you in that lonely lonesome water
Oh I’d sink you in that lonesome sea
So he’s bowed on his breast and down sunk he
Bidding farewell to the Golden Willow Tree
Oh he sunk down in that lonely lonesome water
Oh he sunk down in that lonesome sea