Ugly Outro lyrics
by Brother Ali
You're so ugly [x9]
Slug: I didn't say nothin'
Girl: What?
Slug: "I didn't say nothin'
Girl: Yes you did
Slug: No I didn't
Girl: No you didn't say anything, you just looked at me funny like I'm some sort of f*cking freak
Slug: I didn't look at you
Girl: Yeah, you looked at me
Slug: No
Girl: Yeah, you f*cking did !
Slug: What do you mean "freak" ?
*honk honk*
- Hey, hey what are you doing over there ?
- I.. I'm just standing, I..
- Come here, come here
- Ok
- What are you doing ?
- I'm just waiting for.. he.. he's..he might come now
- Left you standing in the rain all wet
- Wait he.. wai..wait.. he.. I just want to see.. you know
- Did you get a boyfriend ?
- No no
- Who are you waiting for ?
- The.. the guy from that show
- Who Slug ?
- Yeah.. y..
- You're waiting for f*cking Slug ?!
- No! I mean no, well uh yeah
- Oh no, you're..You must be kidding me
- He's so hot
- Hot ?!
- He's so hot
- f*cking Slug ?
- I love him
- Oh my God, he is so f*cking ugly..