Steam Garden (Demo “Interview” Version) lyrics
by Iglooghost
[Iglooghost & Iglooghost Sister ]
Hello, my name is Iglooghost Sister and today I'm going to be asking Iglooghost some questions.
Hello Iglooghost Sister!
Hello Iglooghost!
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your recent acceptance of the International Roundest Head Award.
Thank you, thank you! My incredibly round head means it's difficult for blood to flow properly into my brain.
Very cool! Okay, I'm going to ask you a few questions and then get out of your private mansion.
Question 1: How is your world tour going?
It's going well-good! I can't believe I sold out every stadium on earth! There have been international riots due to limited stadium seating. Blood has been spilled but the fallen shall rise again.
Shut up!
Question 2: How did you meet the blind which?
Which one?
I think he's called Lummo!
Oh yeah, Lummo! Well, there's a portal in my mansion's back garden.
Last question: How do I get out of your mansion?
Take the third set of levitating stairs on your left, put seven coins in the donation pot in the Bonsai room and wait for the stone head to open up!
Okay, see you later, bro!