MF Grimm Interview lyrics
by MF Grimm
MF Grimm - “MF GRIMM Interview”
[Emcee(s): n/a]
[Producer(s): n/a]
[Interviewer and GM Grimm]
Interviewer: When did Percy Carey take on the title “MF Grimm,” and how, how did this come about?
GM Grimm: Man, that’s a good question, um. Actually, it was, it was always, um, Grimm Reaper
Interviewer: Really?
GM Grimm: It was really, uh... My first, first emcee name was Build and Destroy. It was given to me by, like, King [?], aight? And, um, it was “Build and Destroy, The Grimm Reaper,” but everyone just started calling me “Grimm Reaper.” And, um, the “MF,” I added that on just because, um, out in, my boys out, like, on the West Coast, they always said that, you know, “Yo, you got Mad Flows, man, you could, you could, you could flow to anything. You could flow to anything.” Um, so I just kept it—“MF.” Just “Grimm Reaper.” Also, “Motherf*cking Reaper”—excuse my language—but that’s what it is, you know, so...
Interviewer: Yeah. I read, I read...
GM Grimm: It’s both. And then both just stuck, and I, I think that was, like, uh, ’89, man, like, in ’90... yeah, ’89, ’90
Interviewer: Now, and that was the, uh... what, what name was that now? The ’89 one?
GM Grimm: Um, it went to MF Grimm, like, I had to say, like, ’89, ‘90
Interviewer: Oh, OK
GM Grimm: Like around there. Right before I dropped “So Whatcha Want?” it went to that