Making Things Is Easy lyrics
by GingerPale
I made this song with just four chords
Played in different orders
I just picked out the ones that I like
They just kinda sounded nice
I was never really into music
Bought an uke and decided to use it
Trying to rhyme, I feel stupid
Do these near rhymes count?
I drew this character with ten lines
Add some lazy dot eyes
Oh cool- a pocket, what's inside?
Lack of creativity
I try to draw everyday
Always end up with the same stupid face
Making content at a sub-par rate-
At least I can make one thing
I still live in my parent's basement
No rent and free food
Mom brings me lunch, just kidding it's two
And I wake up at three
Didn't shower for over a week
Haven't seen the sun in three (weeks)
Did I mention that I barely sleep?
Ha-ha-ha L-O-L relatable