“There’s your first miracle…” lyrics
by Original Broadway Cast of Violet
[BUS DRIVER 2, spoken]
Memphis, last stop. Check inside the station for connection times.
[MONTY, spoken]
I was thinking, Flick. How 'bout we get a couple'a rooms at that place you showed me?
[FLICK, spoken]
Sure. You wanna join us, Violet?
[VIOLET, spoken]
I don't know… I don't think that'd be right.
[MONTY, spoken]
Oh c'mon, Violet, I dare you to have some fun. That would be the real miracle. Right?
[FLICK, spoken]
Whyn't you go grab her a cab, Monty.
[VIOLET, spoken]
I never said I was afraid to have any fun.
[MONTY, spoken]
Didn't have to, it was written all over your face.
[VIOLET, spoken]
It's all right, Flick, he's just flirting. How cheap is this hotel?
[FLICK, spoken]
Under five.
[VIOLET, spoken]
All right. But I'm taking the 6 AM bus out'a here, with or without you two.
[MONTY, spoken]
There's your first miracle, right there. I called it.