[Doc steps in... it's quiet and very dark. A sexy young Asian girl: JADE].
JADE: Hi, I'm Jade. Please take note of today's pus*y Eater's Special which is good all day till closing time.
DOC: Mmmm... how much is it?
JADE: $14.95.
DOC: Errr, not that $14.95 ain't a totally groovy price, but I'm really trying to locate this guy who works for Mr. Wolfmann?
JADE: Does he eat pus*y?
DOC: Fella named Glen Charlock?
JADE: Oh, sure. Glen comes in here. He eats pus*y. You got a cigarette for me?
JADE: Ohhhh. Lock up style. Not much eating pus*y in there, huh?
DOC: Glen and I were both in Chino around the same time... have you seen him today?
JADE: Are you a cop?
DOC: No.
JADE: The reason I ask is If you were a cop you'd be entitled to a free preview of our pus*y Eater's Special.
DOC: How about a licensed P.I.?
JADE: Hey, Bambi?
[BAMBI comes out, wearing day-glo bikini. Jade reaches into Bambi's bikini bottom and before you know it -- They disappear below the reception desk.]
DOC: So... Where do we uhm...
BAMBI: Not you bong brain.
DOC: I thought it was there... pus*y eaters special... does that mean...